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The next day after a tiring night of Dipper waking up to Bill staring at him, Dipper got up groggily at 6:00, and got ready but when he came down the dusty steps Bill grabbed him and said "Oh Pine tree i didn't think you would be down here" Dipper just shrugged and went into the family room where he saw Mabel with Mabel juice in her hands, she handed one to Dipper (Who threw it away) and she ushered him to the couch. Dipper was thinking to himself "What the hell" when Bill appeared and said "I know what your thinking and it's because of what Gideon said" Dipper jumped up and said "Im going out-" When he was ambushed by Wendy who (Much to Bill's dissapointment and anger) hugged Dipper and said "Dude you can't go out The Stans have set up a ton of guns" so with a sigh Dipper sat back down on the couch andstarted to read his journal

----------------------TIME SKIP CENTRAL------------------------------------

Dipper after a hour of Bill constently hovering and cuddling him, decided to go outside, Dipper stepped onto the cool porch the trees where rustling as the wind blew and Dipper smiled, then got tackled by Bill who procided to lift him up and carry him back inside, Dipper finally got out (after falling out the window) and left to enter the green forests journal in hand. Dipper walked through the dusty forest when he heard bushes rustle, Dipper jumped and grabbed a spear when a baby squirrle ran out of the bushes, running up the pine tree Dipper looked up to find, a bunch of squirrles staring down at him, Dipper quickly walked away from the giant, squirrle infested pine tree to come across a couple of manticornes. Dipper knew the manticores and was on friendly terms with them so he quickly stepped out of the bushes and said "Hi" to the manticores who procedded to say "Hi" back, Dipper thought to himself "What a nice day to be out here" when his thoughts were inturrupted by his boyfriends voice, "DIPPER" Bill telepathicly said to his boyfriend "Get your ass back here now" Dipper said "Why i like being out here" Bill huffed and then he apperead right in front of the 16 year old, picked him up bridal style, and carried him home, Dipper was struggling to get out of bill's grasp but Bill said "That's what you get when you don't listen to me Pine tree" and they got home to a distressed Mabel, and two very angry Stans, Stanley said "WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU" Dipper said "I was out in the woods with my friends the Manticores" Stanford smiled a little and said "You made friends with the manticores Dipper?" and Mabel piped in saying "WE THOUGHT YOU GOT KIDNAPPED" and Bill still not putting Dipper down said "And how did you get out without us noticing hmm Pine tree" Dipper looked up and exclaimed "I jumped out the window" Mabel and Wendy and Soos looked impressed, the Stans and Bill looked scared as heck, then Bill lifted Dipper back up and carried him upstairs where he proceded to check Dipper's leg, "Did you hurt yourself, is your leg broken" Bill shakenly said Dipper chuckled a little and said "Im fine" and Bill made a mental note to put a trampoline or bars near the window.


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