Chapter 2 The Wish

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I heard growling off in the distance, and it seemed to be getting closer. I tried to run and get away, but it was as if my feet we stuck to the ground. I couldn't move.
The growling kept getting louder and louder as did my fear. I looked up and was staring straight at a pair of icy blue eyes. It was looking straight at me like I was food.

It came out of the shadows and staked towards me, fangs bared. It was a wolf, a HUGE wolf. It charged towards me, I screamed as loud as I could hoping someone would hear me.

I awoke screaming at the top of my lungs, nails digging into the sheets. My heart was beating out of my chest. A dream, no, a nightmare. What was that about? Maybe just a bad dream, that's all. I quickly shook it off and went to get dressed.

I don't like to really dress up so I quickly grabbed the first thing I saw and put that on. It was a white crop top and a pair of skinny jeans. I didn't need to really put on shoes since I knew I wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon.

I went downstairs to prepare my favorite breakfast... Waffles!

I poured the mix into the waffle iron and got my drink out while waiting for it to cook. I got a nice glass of orange juice and set the table with the essentials I needed. I then took the waffles out and began to chow down.

As I was eating my breakfast I started to think about how to ask my parents to let me go outside with them tomorrow. Should I just go straight up and ask them? Should I complement them a lot and ease into the story? Or maybe I should ask them while their to distracted to listen and just say yes.

After finishing all of my food, I decided I should just ease the question into the conversation and ask them.

After cleaning up I went to the computer and started surfing the web until mom and dad came home.

I heard the front door creak open and jumped out of my seat and ran to it.

"Hey guys! Welcome home!" I shouted. A sad 'hello' was all I got from her. Dad looked as if he was about to burst from anger, and for a small second I thought I saw a hint of fear.

I knew if I asked what was wrong I wouldn't get the answer I was looking for. They never give me a straight answer.

"I prepared dinner for you guys, it's your favorite mom, tomato soup! And dad, I cooked you a medium rare steak just the way you like it!" I said, hoping to lighten the mood.

"Thanks you Ira but, we aren't very hungry, we're just gonna go to bed." She sadly replied.

They started to walk into their room when I called out to them.

"Wait! I need to ask you something!"

Both of their heads quickly turned around and looked at me.

"As you may or may not know, it's my birthday today and- " I was cut off by my father.

"Ira we know it's your birthday and we promise to celebrate it tomorrow but right now me and your mother are very tired and need to get some sleep".

"I can see that but I just have a small wish for my birthday" I said, hoping they would let me speak.

"go ahead" my father said.

I breathed deeply before asking them my wish. "I wish to leave the house with you and mother tomorr-"

"Absolutely not! You know there are dangerous things out there!" My father shouted.

"You guys go out there with those things everyday! What makes you think I can't either!"

"Your just saying that because you don't know what's out there, if you learned the truth you would never want to leave this house!" My fathers hands were balled into fists. His knuckles turning white.

"Then what's out there huh?!? Why won't you guys tell me what's really out there?!?

"Enough!" he yelled out over me." Ira, go to your room, this conversation is over!" He and mom both walked into their room, my father slamming the door shut.

I ran into my room and jumped onto my bed and began to sob into my pillow. That night I ended up crying myself to sleep.

Guess I really am never leaving.

The picture in the beginning of the chapter is Ira

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