Chapter 6 Alpha

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I woke up screaming once again.

That nightmare was haunting me night after and I couldn't help but wonder why the same thing over and over...

I slowly started to adjust my eyes to my surroundings as I got up, the back of my head throbbing in pain. As my eyes finally adjusted I realised I was no longer outside but in a cell.

There were no windows, it was pitch black besides the small light bulb hanging above me. It smelled like someone had recently died in this room the smell was so vile that I found it almost impossible to breath. The walls had dried blood stains on them which only intensified my fear of this place.

How did I get here?!?

Then the memories started to flood into my head all at once. The wolf jumping on top of me, the man that took its place, him injecting me with some strange serum, I realised that I needed to get out of here and fast! I ran quickly over to the bars and began trying to kick and pound them down with all I had.

Suddenly I heard a door opening and being slammed behind it. I quickly stopped what I was doing and backed up till my back hit the wall behind me. A man appeared from the dark part of the room and looked me up and down scowling. It was the man from before, the one that put my here!

I then lost all fear I had a few moments ago and turned it into rage by launching myself at him and grabbing hold of the bars screaming at him,"you bastard! What is wrong with you! Why the hell did you put me in here!" He only smirked in return and slowly walked up to the bars and whispered into my ear, "because princess, you stepped onto our land, and we don't take kindly to trespassers."

He then walked out of the room, not even giving me a second glance, and left me lost in thought, wondering what he meant by that. But, right before he left and said in a low voice,"oh, and the alpha wishes to see you tomorrow."

I woke up screaming again, the nightmares would just never end, but I guess I was used to it by now. As I slowly got up from the very lumpy and uncomfortable bed I heard the door start to open and groaned quietly to myself. That smell, it was him again. He had a distinct smell of burnt toast and rotting wood. All the more reason to despise him. He slowly walked over to my cell and unlocked the door. I wanted to make a run for it but knew I wouldn't make it far since I had no clue where I was let alone how to escape.

The man walked over to me and grabbed me by my wrists, tying them together with rope. He then dragged me through the dark hallway and into the door he came in through. The door led to a long and dark yet fancy hallway. We turned a few corners of more hallways leaving me worrying how to figure out a way to find my way out of this maze and escape.

After a long journey through the maze we walked up some stairs then turned the corner and stood in front of two large doors. Then man knocked on the doors and a loud 'come in' was heard from inside.

The man then opened the doors and I was suddenly hit with the most intoxicating aroma of wood and cinnamon.

I looked up and made eye contact with a very handsome man sitting in front of a large desk. We stood there staring into each other's eyes for what seemed like forever until I finally looked away from him and stared down at my feet. The handsome man then got up from his desk and told the man that led me here to leave the room. The man nodded and exited the room.

The second I heard the door shut I felt my body being slammed against the wall.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2015 ⏰

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