Chapter 5 Shifters

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It was beautiful

The forest was breathtaking, the sky was clear, not a cloud in it with the sun shining brightly. The trees were skinny and extremely tall like skyscrapers. The smell was woodsy of course and I was absolutely loving it. There was some kind of mist that was making it hard to see what was ahead. I started to try walking through it but it stretched so far it seemed impossible. Hopefully it would go away soon, whatever it was.

I remember seeing a cliff in the distance whenever I would look out the window in the house. I thought it would make a perfect place to set up camp. Far away from anything that could be in these woods. So, I was off.

After about twenty minutes of walking I stared to hear something off in the distance. It was something running, I could hear it's feet hitting the ground and pushing off. The sound seemed to be getting louder. Whatever it was it was coming in my direction! I had to hide from whatever was coming my way and fast! I instantly climbed the nearest tree to as high as I could go and looked down, waiting for the creature to pass by.

Then I saw it, I looked like a large wolf, a very large wolf. It stopped right next to the tree I was in an began to sniff the air, as if looking for me. Within seconds it began running again. I waited a moment before climbing back down so as to know for sure that the wolf was gone. The second I hit the ground I began running so I could get to the cliff faster.

After an hour or so I finally managed to make it to the cliff without a scratch. I set up my sleeping bag and placed my gun inside just incase I had any trouble with anything else. I then walked off to go find some firewood.

I had made a fire and was peacefully settled into my sleeping bag. Hopefully I could sleep soundly this time.

And with that last thought, I was out.

I woke up screaming, again. It was that dam nightmare again. Shit! I probably just alerted the entire forest of my presence. I quickly decided it was time to go and began putting out the fire and packing up my things, everything but my gun. I wasn't ready to die just yet.

And then as I put my backpack over my shoulders, I heard growling coming from the trees. Damit! That dam wolf again! It must have heard my ear piercing scream and followed it! I instantly held up my gun towards where the growling was coming from and it suddenly stopped. Then as quickly as the growling stopped the wolf jumped out from the bush, giving me a good look at it. It was a dark brown wolf with white patches on it's belly a little on its snout. It's eyes a deep emerald color. It slowly started walking towards me, as if daring me to pull the trigger. I was up to the challenge, instantly I pulled the trigger and with one swift move the wolf was standing on top of me, snapping it's teeth at me. I stopped moving. I was petrified with fear.

This was it.

I was going to die, right here, right now.

I closed my eyes ready for it to sink it's teeth into my neck. Except, it never happened. I slowly opened my eyes to see the wolf had disappeared and in it's place was a man, a naked man. I screamed and quickly covered my eyes. The man let out a small chuckle and called out to me in a very angry tone, "you can open them now" he said. I slowly opened my eyes seeing he now had shorts on, he chest still bare. My god this guy ripped! He walked over to me and pulled out a syringe from behind him. I quickly tried to get up but he pushed me back down and stabbed the needle into my neck. I started to feel very dizzy and sleepy. I tried to keep my eyes open as long as could but before I knew it I was out.

Just. Fucking. Great.

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