Fandoms: Harry Potter Hunger Games Marvel & More

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Harry Potter

Harry: ISFP

Hermione: ESTJ


Dumbledore: ENFJ

Snape: INTJ

McGonagall: ESTJ

Hagrid: ISFP

Neville: ISFJ

Fred & George: ENTP

Ginny: ISTP

Luna: INFP

Arthur Weasley: ENTP

Molly Weasley: ESFJ

Cedric: ISFJ

Voldemort: INTJ

Sirius: ENTP

Mad-Eye Moody: ISTJ

Dolores Umbridge: ESTJ

The Hunger Games

Katniss: ISTP

Peeta: ISFP

Gale: ENTJ

Prim: ISFJ

Effie: ESFP

Haymitch: ISTP

Finnick: ESTP

Joanna: ENTJ

Snow: INTJ

Marvel Universe

Iron Man: ENTP

Captain America: ESFJ

Bruce: INTP

Black Widow: ISTJ

Thor: ESTP

Hawkeye: ISTJ

Loki: INTJ

Fury: ENTJ

Starlord: ENTP

Rocket: ESTP

Groot: ISFP

Drax: ISTJ

Gamora: ISTJ

Wolverine: ISTP

Spider-Man: INFP

Doctor Who


10: ENFP

11: ENFJ

12: INTJ


Rory: ISFJ

Donna: ESFJ

Rose: ESFP

Clara: ENTP

Lord of the Rings (Sorry, guys. I've only seen the first one, so this is all I have.)

Frodo: ISTP

Bilbo: ESFJ


Gandalf: ENFJ

Arwen: ENFP

Twilight (I can't stand doing this; but, alas, it is a fandom and my middle school self is very aware of each character's type)

Bella: ISTP

Edward: ISFJ

Jacob: ENFP

Charlie: ISTJ

Carlile: INFJ

Alice: ENFJ

Jasper: INTP

Rosaliee: ENTJ

Emmet: ENTP

Percy Jackson Series (It's been a while since I read these, so these are all definitely up for debate)

Percy: ENFP

Annabeth: ISTJ

Grover: ESFP

Chiron: INFJ

Clarisse: ESTJ

Dionysus: ESTP

Nico: INFP

Bianca: ISFJ

Athena: INTJ

Ares: ENTP

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