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We arrived at the house at around 12 and everyone was awake still. Kian went home really quick to change then he was coming back. I went into my room to change and I changed into one of Kian's big shirts. I went back downstairs and into the living room where 3-6ate were and the boyfriends and Cameron. They all turned their attention to me.

I smiled. "I'm engaged!" I yelled. All the girls started squealing along with me.

"Oh my god. This is amazing! Congrats, Haylie!" Kaitlyn said then all of the girls engulfed me into a group hug just as Kian walked in.

"She told you guys, didn't she?" He said. All the boys nodded.

We all pulled away from the hug and I walked over to my fiancé. Jc and Sam walked over to us and started hugging and congratulating Kian.

"Congrats, bro. I never thought you would finally settle down and fucking ask her." Sam said, laughing along with Kian.

"I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or an insult." He said. Sam smiled. It's a compliment.

"I kind of have a surprise for you, Jc, Sam, and Trevor." I said. They all walked over to me. I walked towards the door and put my hand on the door knob. "I got ahold of your two other friends who are extremely popular on YouTube." I opened the door, revealing Connor Franta and Ricky Dillon.

The other boys freaked out and started jumping up and down then finally walked over to Connor and Ricky, hugging them tightly. They pulled away then they all walked into the living room.

"Holy shit! I missed you guys so much! You guys haven't changed." Connor said. The boys laughed.

"No we haven't." Kian said, giving Ricky another hug.

"Thank you for doing this Haylie. It means so much." Kian said and walked over to me, kissing me quickly then wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Are you guys like a thing?" Ricky said, examining us.

"Yeah. We're engaged and pregnant." I said. Ricky and Connor smiled.

"Congrats you guys! When are you due?" Ricky asked.

"Any time." I said.

"So how long are you guys here for?" Jc asked.

"Uh, we actually just moved here. Not in LA but to California." Connor said.

"Oh so you guys are roommates?" Sam asked.

"Yeah. We live in San Clemente." Ricky said.

"Oh cool. God, I can't get over the fact that you guys are actually here." Trevor said, freaking out again. "It's been what, 8 years?"

"Something like that. I'm just glad that we're all back again." Kian said. They all pulled each other into a group hug and I snapped a quick picture to put on Twitter later. I smiled at the 6 boys hugging each other.

"How did you get ahold of the guys?" Kaitlyn asked when she walked over to me.

"Twitter. I dmed them and they replied back with their numbers then we set up a date for them to meet up and here they are." I said.

"Sounds easy." She said.

"Yeah. Well, I'm gonna go to bed. Tell Kian when he comes back to reality." I said and started walking up the stairs slowly. I finally reached my bedroom and laid in my bed. I went onto Twitter for the 60th time in the past 3 days.

I made a tweet with the picture.

@haylieee_bruhh: They finally met! @KianLawley @ConnorFranta @TrevorMoran @jccaylen @sampottorff @RickyPDillon

Baby Change (Kian Lawley) {BOOK 2}Where stories live. Discover now