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Song for this chapter
Wrong One - Jack and Jack

I woke up at around 3 in the morning to someone talking on the phone. I pretended to be asleep to see who it was.

It was Kian.

"She's pregnant with my child, I can't just fucking leave her."

Wait, what? Suddenly, I couldn't breathe but I tried I control it as much as possible so I could get details. Was he really planning on leaving me?

"Yes Andrea, I'll be home in about a week, okay? We can do whatever you want until I go on tour with them."

I can't believe him! He has been cheating on me. I could feel a tear fall down my face.

"I love you too, babe. I'll see you soon." He said and hung up the phone. He went to put his arm around my waist but I pushed it off of me.

"Haylie?" He whispered, trying not to wake anyone up.

"What, Kian?" I said, disappointed that he lied to me. Depressed that he's been hiding shit from me. Sad that I believed him when I thought he loved me.

"I'm sorr-" I cut him off, raising my voice a little bit.

"No you're not. If you were fucking sorry, you wouldn't have done it in the first place. If you're that tired of me, then why the hell don't you just leave me instead of cheating on me? It would've been so much fucking easier." I said, sitting up and getting off the bed.

"Haylie, wait." He said, grabbing my wrist.

"No, Kian. You better fucking let go of me. I'm tired of the shit. I couldn't believe I had to wake up to you calling Andrea and telling her you love her and shit. I actually thought you fucking loved me! You lied Kian, you lied again." I was almost yelling. I could see everyone through the darkness, wiping their eyes and watching us.

"What's going on?" One of the guys asked.

"Ask Kian. He'll probably lie about it." I said, looking around the room.

"He's been cheating on me." I said, crying and walking out of the room and into the living room.

I walked through the living room, throwing shoes on, pajama pants, a jacket and went outside to sit on the porch. I cried. I cried hard as I could. I couldn't believe what he had been doing. It's crazy how two people fall in love with each other just to turn around and hurt one another. It's fucked up.

I heard the door open as I continued to cry on the porch steps. "Kian, I swear to fucking god-"

"Calm down, Haylie. It's only me." Taylor said. He came and sat beside me, pulling me to his chest. I sobbed and clutched onto his shirt he was wearing.

"What happened?" He asked. The birds started chirping and the fog rolled in.

"I woke up to someone talking on the phone and then I realized it was Kian. He was talking to Andrea and he told her he loved her, Taylor. Right fucking beside me. He told her he couldn't just leave me because I'm pregnant with his child. I can't believe I fell in love with him." I said.

"Haylie, look at me." Taylor pulled my chin up and wiped my tears off my face. I looked straight into his brown eyes. "He's not worth your tears. If he's going to go and cheat on you, he's not worth your time. You don't need him. You have your friends and family and a daughter on the way. If he wants to go and cheat on you, he can hit the road. I don't deal with that shit and I'm sure you don't either."

I sniffled. "But it hurts when you love them with all your heart and you'd do anything for them. It hurts, Taylor."

He placed his chin on top of my head. "I know, Haylie. Just remember, everything happens for a reason."

I wiped my tears. "Thank you, Tay. It means a lot. Really."

He smiled at me. "Anything for you, Hay. Now come on, you're probably freezing and it's not good for the baby."

I got off the steps and went back into the room. The lights were turned on and everyone was watching me closely as I walked in.

"Haylie, please let me explain." Kian said.

"Shut up, Kian. You lied to me and cheated on me. What's worse is you were laying right beside me when you were on the phone with her. I can't believe you. You need to leave this room. You need to get out because I'm not sleeping with you in the same room." I said, not looking at him once.

"I'm sorry Haylie." He said and walked out of our room.

Everyone looked at me. I started crying again. Jc was the first one up. He walked over to me but I put my hand on his chest, looking into his eyes.

"You lied to me, too Jc." I said as fresh tears fell on my face.

"I didn't know, Haylie. I swear. He was with you everyday for the past 4 months. He only came home maybe 2 times a week and stayed the night. I didn't know he was talking to Andrea. I thought he was done. I'm sorry, Haylie." He explained. I stared into his eyes.

I sighed. "It's okay." I pulled him in for a hug. We pulled away soon after.

"I'll be back. I have to go call someone." I walked out the back door and stood on the balcony. I pulled my phone out. God I hope he's awake. I went to his contact and clicked call. It rang three times before he picked up. He was sleeping.

"Haylie? Are you okay?" His sleepy voice said into the receiver. I sniffled into the line.

"I need you, Cameron."


Ohhhh shiiiit.


Haylie's Twitter: @haylieee_bruhh

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