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I felt as though my whole being had erupted into a convulsion of burning flames as i opened my eyes. I couldn't move. My whole body was paralysed in agonising pain. I couldn't see much beyond the darkness, I felt as though my senses had been robbed from me. Where the hell was I?

"Welcome" I heard a deep voice echo out. I shuddered at the power in its voice. Rain dripped from somewhere and landed next to me causing a ripple to form on the now slightly flooded ground. The murky water soaked me through to my bones, dispite the coolness of it, I continued to burn. I was now able to move and I rolled from side to side, my skin blistering.
"What do you want! Who are you!" I screamed. The pain stopped suddenly and my blisters disappeared one after the other. Am I dead? Where is everyone? Questions ran through my head in a rapid response to the voice.

"Welcome to your Hell" announced the voice. Panic rised through my trembling body as I tried to sit up.

I thought Hell was for sinful people, why am I here? I tried again. "Why am I here?" I called out. A tall, wide figure walked towards me. It was a silouhette of a man, his eyes shone red and purple, his hands were made off fire and a red glow radiated from him. I felt the same compulsive desire to reach out and touch the blood red smoke. He stamped on my hand and a bolt of pain shot through my arm to the rest of me.

"You are here to make a deal with the Devil"


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