Chapter 23

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Heyy guys, I juss wanna say thanks again 4 all the comment nd votes nd support I've been getting on this story, it is much appreciated. Also thank u 2 all my fans, I haven't been able 2 thank u all personally so I'll juss do it here lol. Anyway here's Chapter 23, I hope u guys like it nd don't 4 get 2 comment nd vote. Thanks :)

Chapter 23

Chasity's POV

The Sun's rays shinning through the window and hitting my eyes forcing me to wake up. I yawned and stretched a little bit before I went to sit up on the bed, but a strong force pulled me back, keeping me pinned to the bed. What the hell?

Snoring and soft breathing on the back of my neck brought me back to reality, as I remembered that it was only Tyron and I wasn't going crazy or anything. That's a relief, I thought somebody kidnapped me or something for a second there.

I rolled over and faced him and a smile was instantly brought onto my face as I watched him sleep, I love waking up to him in the mornings. Even though I've been doing it for a straight 2 weeks now, I still can't get use to it. Waking up to somebody that I love just does something to me, it makes my heart melt and I just love it. The feeling is just out of this world.

I lifted a finger up and began to trace the outline of his face, just admiring his handsome features. He looks like a little angel when he's asleep, his face all emotionless and relaxed and he even has a small smile on his lips.

Sleeping in the same bed with Tyron I've learned that when he's having a good dream he usually smiles a little, but when he's having a nightmare he gets a small scowl on his face. I usually wake him up when I see him like that though, I can't look at him knowing that he's having a bad dream. That'll just be mean.

Suddenly he started to stir a little bit in his sleep, and I still continued to trace his face with my finger as I waited for him to wake up. This is my favorite part of the mornings.

Finally his eyes slowly opened, revealing those two chocolate brown pools that I love so much, and he smiled at me.

" Wow, what a beautiful view to wake up to " he said his voice husky and deep from sleep.

I smiled " Morning Ty " I gushed like the love sick girl I am.

He grinned " Morning Brown Sugar " he whispered.

He leaned in and kissed my lips and I gladly kissed back, loving the feeling of his lips on mine. I sucked on his bottom lip and he groaned before he opened his mouth and I slipped my tongue in, and began to gently massage my tongue on his. You'd think he'd have morning breath but he doesn't, which is another thing I love about waking up to him.

As the kissing got more intense I began to suck on his tongue which I knew that he loved and he groaned again as he rolled on top of me, forcing me to lay on my back. I wrapped my legs around his waist and I began slowly scratching down his back, knowing that I was teasing him. 

I tried not to laugh when he suddenly pulled out the kiss and gave me a stern look, before he took both my hands and pinned them above my head, holding them there.

" What's wrong baby? " I asked innocently, knowing damn well that I'm pissing him off. But what can I say, getting him upset is fun.

He sighed " Chasity, what did I tell you about teasing? Do you enjoy making this hard for me? " he asked while staring into my eyes lustfully. Of course I do, what girl wouldn't enjoy teasing their extremely sexy boyfriend? Not a normal one of course.

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