Numbers Game (Counting down until' to see the one you love.

7 0 0

Verse one, Counting down the days until I see your face again, longing for your lips to touch mine, I spot that the sun is out, and marvel at how much it shines.

Chorus, The long, patient wait for you, is taking its toll, I can't wait much longer, I need your love, your touch, to hold your hand, I just don't to keep playing this numbers game.

Verse two, You arrive, looking beautiful as always, your smile sends me chills down my spine, your touch melts my heart like ice, your kiss seduces me under your spell, your laugh intoxicates my mind.

Verse three, We soon tear one another clothes off, in one exciting rush, showing our undeniable love for one another, our lust for each-other soon gets the better of us.

Verse four, After making love, we cuddle, and talk about our day, you hold your hand in mine, and tell me you'd wished you've never been away, as your love for me never failed to dissolve, and you say, your always mine forever, and i'm able to always hold.

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