God I am in love with everyone. Everyone meaning Mikey Way

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Pete was uncomfortably cold.
It seemed he had separated from Mikey in their sleep.
Not his intention, he shifted slightly- not wanting to wake the little china Doll.

Mikey looked so beautiful,like a porcelain doll.

He slipped into Mikey's arms, not as swiftly or silently as he would have liked.

He felt a kiss on his shoulder, he had definitely woken Mikey.

"Goodmorningpete." He mumbled, his voice was raspy and generally the most beautiful thing in Pete's entire existence.

"Morning babe."

"Please tell me it's the weekend."

"It is indeed the weekend."

"Yay." And that 'yay' was the equivalent of a kitten sneezing.

"Your turn, tell me that I don't have to move at all today."

"You don't, expect to turn around and kiss me."

And Pete did.
And it would seem, that everything was perfect. Or at least 'their own little world' AKA Mikey's bedroom was just a piece of paradise.


Hold the peace.

Gerard had entered, he could have complained about walking in on Pete and Mikey kissing but God knows that he had Frank had done worse in this house.

"What do you want Gee?"

Mikey wasn't exactly overjoyed at Gerard interrupting his time with Pete, especially when he had just 'gotten him back'.

"To join your gay club. Frank will be here soon."

"Go away."

"Can I pay my gay club entry in pancakes?"

"Gerard. You can't cook."

"Says the one who stuck a fork in the toaster."

"Irrelevant. Pete, do you want to make pancakes."

"Pancakes 2.0?"


"Let's do this!"

And the troupe of messy hair and crumpled pyjama pants walked drearily downstairs- minds focused more on the pancakes and less that the 2 brothers had become 3.

"Gerard. Mikey. Pete. One of you is not like the others"
Donald Way said, not looking up from his newspaper.

"It's me. I'm not 13."
Gerard tried, but he did what Gerard did. Failed Flamboyantly.

"No. It's Pete. Tried to be subtle  but the one that isn't 13 is a bit dense."

"The disrespect in this household is just...."

Mikey had to credit Gee, he tried his best to shift the guilt from Pete to himself. Even if he was being a bit over dramatic.

"Sorry Mr. Way. Mikey and I haven't been on the best terms as of late, so I brought my bass around because I am sickeningly cliché. He let me stay the night."

"Alright. Just clarifying. Glad you're here for Mikey, not just the pancakes I'm assuming you want to make."

"Thanks Mr.Way. And yes, we'd like to make pancakes."

"Great. Donna and I will have the extras!"

He laughed. The hollow-I'm-a-dad-take-me-to-a-home-depot kind of laugh.

Then he folded up his newspaper and walked away.


The pancakes were not in the least bit successful.

Wave of Gay (Frerard and Kid Petekey)COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now