I'm suffocating because of boredom.

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Pete reckoned Mikey deserved a proper date after the sh*t they got all week.

Some of the girls were okay, but Pete didn't want to be anyone's 'Gay Best Friend' especially when they though the A in LGBTQIA stood for Ally.

It's doesn't.

The boy just avoided Mikey and Pete even more- like they had the highly contagious gay plague.

Not that it was too different to before.

And not that Pete or Mikey really cared.

The less 13 year old boys around them the more they could breathe. Please lay off the Axe Deodorant!

Pete had planned to pick Mikey up and take him to the local aquarium; nothing was cuter than seeing someone you care about getting caught up in watching things.

Pete decided that wearing a Hawaiian shirt was crossing a line but he did want to fit a theme. Even if his wardrobe wasn't exactly fish-y.

Maybe he was taking it a bit too far.

Yeah. Just a band-tee would do.

"Hey Mum! I'm going now....and so is this $50" Pete whispered the last part.

He was 13, how could he pay for things without mild crime?

"Wait Pete!"


"Where are you going?"

In true Pete style he was truthful and annoying;

"I'm going to take Mikey on date at the aquarium!"

"Okay. Be careful with the poor boy, okay Pete?"

"Of course Ma! Bye!"

And Pete was off.

He was going to walk to Mikey's house, but they had to take the train to the aquarium because Pete was short and tired constantly.

Even if Mikey was a giant and could probably carry Pete the entire way.

Maybe his WrestleMania would help.


Gee and Frank were certainly going to enjoy their time alone.

At least that was the plan.

The Way parents weren't exactly sticking to the plan.

"Why don't you boys join, and by join I mean make us lunch." Donna said, she knew Frank well enough to treat him like another son.

"Oh Ma, I couldn't possibly make lunch, I'll burn it."

"You can't burn sandwiches."

"Is that a challenge."

Before Donna could answer, Frank pulled the 'peace-maker card' and asked what Donna would like in her sandwich,

"Oh, ham and cheese please. Thank you Frank. See Gerard, this is what a good son or boyfriend does- You hold on to him."

"Oh I intend to."
Gerard kissed Frank's cheek and grinned.


Pete and Mikey made it too the aquarium without dying, or killing anyone else.

Pete wasn't an expert on Public Transport and had fallen on a few people- his favourite fall being unit Mikey's arms.

"I guess I fell for you."


When the made it the the museum Pete insisted on going to see the starfish first, but Mikey said they'd get lost if they didn't go in order.

Wave of Gay (Frerard and Kid Petekey)COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now