Summer Madness

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Summer Madness
ziants ao3


In which Liam and Zain experience their first time together in an abandoned farmhouse in the countryside.


Work Text:

His feet were hanging out of the window, some Motown playing over the radio.

His hair was whipped into a bird's nest as he drove, his lover enjoying the harsh breeze against his tan feet, his sunglasses covering his golden eyes. His father's car's not new, but it was new to his lover, with its leather trim and candy apple red paint job. The Vauxhall Cavalier's engine purred and popped as they sped down the country road, the sun on their right, slowly beginning to set.

School just let out for the class of '76, graduation just around the corner for Liam, the sixth form student barely passing all of his classes to graduate. His 18th birthday is 2 weeks away, so he decided to treat himself before his parents and siblings did. But there was one thing Liam wasn't looking forward to after crossing the threshold into adulthood-

leaving Zain behind.

Zain's only 15, but that didn't matter to Liam.

Age didn't matter.

But segregation did in these days and times. Bradford wasn't the best place for South Asians and homosexuals. Especially when they're underaged.

But Liam didn't care about the consequences, he just wanted to be with Zain before he turned legal.

Which is why they snuck away from the city to escape into the tranquil countryside, going to their spot. Their Narnia.

"All I do is think of you

Day and night that's all I do (that's all I do, baby)

I can't get you off my mind

Think about you all the time, all the time"

"Our song," Zain murmured, looking to Liam with a soft smile. The Jackson 5 was playing behind the roar of the saloon's engine, the farm fields being stomped over my cattle and horses, swishing their tails and munching on grass, their beady, black eyes eyeing only what's in front of them.

"Are you okay?"

Zain glanced to his lover, the older male switching gears absentmindedly.

"Sure I am," Zain removed his sunglasses, "why'd you ask?"

Liam nibbled on his pale pink lip, his hair ruffling in the gust of wind as the car traveled down the road.

"No reason,"

Zain snorted softly, shaking his head and tapping his fingers against the metal of the car door. The world around them was quaint. No blob or quip interrupting the dazzling scenery of the million blades of grass, the dainty wheat fields, and the cotton candy-like clouds just passing through. The agricultural began to become more frequent, the rancid smell of manure and other byproducts filled the teens' noses, a rusty red tractor idling in front of them, causing Liam to slow down.

Zain ducked his head as Liam sped up to pass the hunk of metal and bits, manned by some old-timer who probably fought in WWII.

Liam placed his hand on Zain's knee, tenderly stroking his thumb across Zain's tiny joint, sparing a smile.

Soon, a dusty, rock-filled road came into view on their right, making Liam veer in that direction.

There was a little pothole, causing the car to jerk downwards, the rocks making the vehicle bump up and down.

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