♥ Girl talk ~~ ♥ ❣◕ ‿ ◕❣

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Aoi: *hurries to her room*
Takashi: ...............
Aoi: I am so DEAD!!!!!!!!!! *blushes* *calls Rina*
Rina: Hm? Aoi? *picks phone call* Hell-
Rina: *stands up* What is it?! What happened? Where are you know?!!
Aoi: I'm at home!
Rina: There's a kidnapper?!
Aoi: Something like that......
Rina: huh?
Aoi: no, nothing anyway I- this is about Takashi
Rina: ............ WHAT THE HELL?! I thought something bad really happened!!
Aoi: so-sorry...
Rina: Che! So what's the problem?
Aoi: ......well it looks like Takashi likes me... *blushes*
Rina: .........yeah......
Aoi: *surprised* ............
Rina: hey!
Aoi: Oh I'm sorry I'm just surprised that you're not surprised...
Rina: Ah It's already obvious, even the whole class knows about it
Aoi: ..................... WHAT?! SERIOUSLY?!
Rina: *twitches* yeah......
Aoi: When? And why?
Rina: *yawns* ask him yourself! Anyway did he confessed?
Aoi: *blushes* no...... we held hands after work
Rina: Ohhhhh who started holding the hand
Aoi: *blushes* m-me......
Rina: then that means you didn't say it in words instead of actions?!
Aoi: y-yeah.........
Rina: Wow!! Congratulations! You're officially girlfriend and boyfriend!
Aoi: Wha-What?! We're not! We just held hands and didn't speak...
Rina: ohhh then maybe he'll confess to you tomorrow...... now you know who he really likes right? Well is there still more?? *yawns*
Aoi: actually yes......
Rina: What is it?
Aoi: It's about Satsuki......
Rina: *pissed off* Why the hell is it him?!
Aoi: He He confessed to me last 2 weeks......
Rina: ............WHAT?! CONFESSED? LAST 2 WEEKS?!!
Aoi: Y-yes...
Rina: And your still not giving him a reply?!!
Aoi: ...ummmm yes......??
Rina: You Stupid!! I bet right now he wants to hear your reply!! Don't make him wait!!
Aoi: but it's hard to reject someone
Rina: NO!! They have to accept reality if not then let them got to hell!!
Aoi: ......... fine, fine...... but what'll I say?
Rina: just say to him what you really feel?? ............ Damn so drama!!
Aoi: hahahaha yeah maybe I'll do that but go with me!!
Rina: Nope! I can't! This is your problem and not mine Imma just helping you, Alright Ayuzawa I've gotta sleep early now Good night! Take care! *hangs up*
Aoi: Wai- .......dang it!
*phone rings*
Aoi: Hm?

From: Victoria
Hey! Aoi! You still awake? Well if your still
awake then tomorrow we'll go to the beach
with everyone from class;) so get ready we'll
meet at station xx-xx-xx , 8:00 am sharp, see you tomorrow.

P.S. Wear a cute smiwsuit ;P

Aoi: HELL NO!!!

Next Day!!

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