Alexis's True Tale: Moment #1

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Just an average day at school.........

It was early in the morning and I was with my only witness of this horrific event...Sophie. It was snowing outside so everyone who came in the school has snowy shoes, making the tile floor slippery.

I was standing on the low platform (or A.K.A.Stage) It was close to the ground.( And NO I did not fall off!!!) I walked down the steps and THAT WAS THE MOMENT IT HAPPENED!

The slippery slush of the floor was too much for my shoes to handle. Before I knew right foot was in front of my left and I did the splits. I got a weird look from a couple of 8th graders. I stood up and tried to act like nothing happened. But then I fell to my knees and slid to my table where all my friends were sitting. Sadly....only Sophie knew what took place.

That event is now known as "The Bambie Moment."

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