Lenny x Ron {Meet u at a café}

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This was requested by @sl0wz_

So I hope you guys enjoy

Ron = Top
Lenny = Bottom


Lenny's pov

I hate my father he bosses me around at home and even at work he's not even my boss at Work I don't why mom married a bossy husband like him that only bosses his oldest son me..*Sighs* I might aswell go to the café and get some drinks before  I get back to work and hopefully my father is not there to boss me..

Lenny walked towards the café and opened the door and walked in  and  he decided to sit at the front counter to see all the workers..One worker walked towards him with a smile..

"Hello sir would like anything today " Smiled Worker.."Yes can I just get a coffee please just a regular one please with 2 sugars please" Said Lenny.."Sure that will be $2" Said the worker..

Lenny handed the worker $2 and the worker started to make Lenny coffee while Lenny was waiting he heard three tubbies entering the café he turned his head and saw three blue tubbies...

"Bro why do we have to go here it's sucks" Laughed Toby.."Yeah lil bro big brother right this place does suck" Sighed Rose.."Come on I just only wanna be here for some tea" Said Ron.."Well you can do that while me and sis are going to  Mctubbies  for our drinks and food" Said Toby.."Okay fine go!" Said Ron..

Rose and Toby left the café and Ron saw Lenny looking at him which made Lenny quickly look away. Ron decided to walk towards the counter and sit down next to Lenny and look at Lenny..

"I noticed u were staring at me" Giggled Ron.."I wasn't you were just blocking my view of the outside " Lied Lenny.."Don't lie~" Smiled Ron.."Fine I was but it's just because I heard you guys walking in" Said Lenny.."Hehe" Laughed Ron

Ron placed his hand on Lenny cheek which made Lenny blush and Ron slowly got closer to Lenny face  and slowly started to kiss Lenny. Lenny kissed back and letting both of them taste eachother tongue until the worker came back with Lenny Coffee

"Sorry did I just ruin your guys moment?" Asked the worker.."No you haven't ruin anything" Said Lenny.."Okay" Said Worker.."Well anyways gotta go" Said Lenny..

Lenny got up and walked away but before Lenny could Ron placed his phone number in Lenny pocket and Lenny walked out of the café. Ron smiled on how cute Lenny is~...

{That's it I hope you readers enjoyed it and I hope you have a wonderful day}

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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