Chapter 11

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Jourdans pov
*knock, knock* i heard as the door creeped open. My nurse had come in to give me my release forms. I got washed up and louis packed things up. Just as we were about to leave the doctor came in. "Im sorry ms. I was just wanting to let you know our test came back of why the pregnancy had not been carried through."
I just wanted to cry more it was just going to be a bad few monthes. "Ms., it appears you have a disease called Antiphospholipid syndrome. Basically its a disease tht can cause miscarriges. Im arfaid you may not be able to have kids, and any further trying may result in more emotional and mental concerns. " i blanked out anything else he said. I was never going to have kids, thats it.! Its like my world has fallen, at least i know louis there to lift it up. But i have to be there for him, its not easy for him eaither. The car ride home was silent. Not a peep. When we pulled into the driveway he spoke, " jourdan, im sorry,  there are other options, adoption? " "louis. I really am not in the mood to even think about it right now im sorry" i said crying walking into the house. I wanted to just clear my mind but all i could think anout was the hope in louis voice when he said "adoption". The thought  rven made me smile a little.

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