Chapter 12

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Graces pov

A few months later

Ive been running around back-and-forth a lot lately; nialls work, the doctors, jourdans, everywhere! I'm surprised this kid hasnt burst yet. which reminds me today I have to drop niall off at work and I have a doctors appointment after that im taking jourdan out to lunch to try and get her mind off of everything after that I have to pick up niall and go shopping because I need food!!! All the stress is really getting to me lately.

I just dropped niall off at work and im on my way to the doctors. I finally got there and heard my name called from the front desk. "Mrs. Grace?"
The nurse called as i waddled
Over to the couter. I was checked in and taken to the room. The doctor came in shortly after. "Hi grace!" Dr.dey greeted me, "wow! Your really close to your due date! Im suprised that buns not out of the oven yet!""me too!!" I replied and we had a laugh. Then all of a sudden i felt a water ballon pop, then the contractions started. "Umm...dr. I think its time!" I yelled! The nurse called Niall and Dr.Dey took my to the delivery room.

Nialls pov

I was at work when i got a call. Ling story short...
I ran to the hospital calling everyone. First i calked jourdan and she passed the news on to louis snd louis to the boys. 

Jourdans pov

Its 12:45 and grace said shed be here by 12. I hope shes ok, i better call her. I grabbed my phone but got an incoming call from niall instead. "JOURDAN!!!IM GONNA BE A DAD!! COME TO THE HOSPITAL NOW!!!!" Niall screamed so loud i had yo pull my phone away from my ear. He hung up before i could respond. I grabbed my keys and phone and hurried to the hospital calling louis!

5 Hours later.

Graces pov

Hes finally here. hes beautiful, just like his daddy. Niall and i love our new baby boy Noah James Horan.

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