Chapter 3

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Jourdan's pov:
After louis came to comfort me at the cemetery i knew i loved him. I wanted to talk to him at harrys party later. Grace told me he had a crush on me for a while and i figured. Now we can hav a chance. I got a shower and got dressed in my black high waisted shorts from earlier. My T-shirt crop top covered in daisies and my long black sweater. I curled my long hair and left it down laying across both of my shoulders. I slipped on my black vans and i was ready to go. I cant wait to tell lou how i feel... unless he dosnt like me and grace is wrong. Or maybe hes not into me anymore, god that would be perfect timing. I just hope everything goes well.

Graces pov:
I hav no idea what happened at the cemetery between them, all i know is they better be together or i will kill someone. the other thing i know is louis old friend niall was going to be at the party tonight. We only met once before but oh my god hes hot. I hav to dress to impress. I wore my denim shorts with my derby jersey and my converse. I pulled my hair back into a bun. Harrys parties were usually pretty casual so i dont get too fancy.

Louis pov:
Im ready for hazs' place. Im eearing my black skinny jeans, my white t shirt and my blue hoodie. I got in my car ready to pick up jade.

At the party...

Jourdans pov:
Me and grace got to the party at the perfect time not too late but not the first ones. We socialized for a little but the whole time i was watching the door for louis. When he finally walked in i went to go talk to him, then i saw her. He introduced her as his good friend so i guess i still had a chance. I was upset a little so i decided to avoid him most of the night. But at lest our movie night was in 2 days so i had time then. Most of the night i hung out with liam and zayn and harry, tho harry met someone and we didnt see them most of the night. Overall i guess i had fun... well as much as possible.

Graces pov:
After louis showed up with jade jourdan ran off. I havnt really seen her but im sure shes fine. I saw niall out of the corner of my eye and ran over, casually, to talk to him. It went great. We spent the whole night together in the back room. He's so funny and his accent like. Wow!! He even gave me he's number and he's coming over for movie night this week. I went over to get something to drink from the kitchen and saw louis. *l louis g grace*
G) hey lou. I saw u come in with that girl. R u 2 like...serious?
L) shes mall girl her names jade.
G) she looks like jourdan.
L) umm. No. I dont think so.
G) btw. Wtf?! I thought u liked jourdan whos this jade girl?!
L) i finally realized jourdan would never love me the same way so i moved on. I actually just asked jade yo be my girlfriend.
G) louis!!! Why woulx u do that?!!
L) what? I like her so. Its my choice!
G) yea but jourdan does like u. She was gonna tell u tonite but then she saw u with jade and ran off.
L) wtf?! I gtg find her.

Louis pov:
" Has anyone seen jourdan?" No one answered me. Like i was invisible. I just get a girl and suddenly she wants me! Finally i found her with liam and zayn. " Hey jourdan can we talk, in private?" I asked. "Sure, um i guess." i took her hand and led her to one of the empty rooms upstairs. How the hell is this going ta go? I thought to myself. I love jourdan but now all of a sudden. Ugh. Sometimes this girl drives me nuts. And idek what to do. I really like jade but i love jourdan. How am i supposed to play this?

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