An OMG Girlz Story

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As Zonnique gets ready for thee audition, the little 10 year old just takes a tiny sip of water and stands confident. Her mother, Tiny, was to busy worrying. Zonnique, was just standing there listening to her mothers bickering until she found a girl, a pretty girl to be exact. As she hears her mother yelling for her to come back, she already reached the young girl.

Nique: Hi im Zonnique! *Waves*

???: Hi, im Bahja. *Smiles*

Nique: Is that your real hair? *Points to Pink instentions (Sp?)*

Bahja: YESS! Rude!

Nique: Im sorry, i didnt know.

Bahja: Its cool, what about yours. *Points to blue instentions*

Nique: Yep! Its real! :)

Bahjas Thoughts: Wow... shes perky. i should be a little more nicer.

Bahja: Cool! I love th-*GCO*

A/N: You notice there lying about there hair! Lol like duhhh its fake little niggas!Dumbass kids! Jkjkjk!

Judges: Bahja Rodriguez!

Bahja: Welp! Thats me!

A/N: Hey again! lol remember Thats so Raven! Thats Me?! Lol

Nique: Good Luck!

Bahja: Thanks you to! Byee!

Bahja goes to the stage and Zonnique stands back since she is next.

Bahja: Im going to be singing 'Over The Rainbow' By Dothia!

Judge 1: You mean, Dorothy? From the Wizard of Oz.

Bahja: Yes.

Judge 2: Music!

The music begins and as usual, Bahja sings beautifully.

Bahja: 'Some Where Over The RainBow, Skys Are......*A/N: OH, I forgot the words Oops! I thought i knew them! Imma just put the parts I know!Imma just make up words now!* Awfuly blue, When you Dream Just think Of A Rainbow, And You will Love Much more Too...When You Love Someone Deeply, you Will Expir-*GCO*

Judge 3: Bahja, Im sorry but......YOUR IN!


Trinity*Bahjas Mom*: Awww my baby made it!

Judge 1: Just sign these papers, and she will be a little 'Beauty' in a group!

A/N: Are you annoyed by me yet? Im sure you are! Lol but see my hint, even the Judge knows what imma name her! Lol

As, they walk away. Bahja hugs Zonnique.

Bahja: GoodLuck!

Nique: Thanks...

Judges: Zonnique Pullins!


Ahahhahah! You thought I was gonna post the whole thing? No! Its a preview, let me spell it out P-R-E-V-I-E-W!!!!! Lol yeah at first I was but I was like, 'Fuck It! I dont give a shit!' And put Preview at the top! Lol love yall! ~CiCi

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