Chapter 8

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For three days, they left Asonia in the mostly empty room. When they came to give her food, she would turn it down with a shake of the head. Twice, Commander Werf tried to speak with her, and both times she didn't speak a word.

Her eyes were always bloodshot from constant crying, and her hair was a tangled mess. It didn't matter how much the commander tried to get her to talk, to get her to move from her spot on the floor. She would just stare into space, and ignore everything.

It was when they were a day away from the Klingon home planet Qo'noS, that Werf had finally had enough.

"You're being ridiculous, empress. As well as childish, and this has gone on for long enough." He told her, standing in the doorway of her room, his arms crossed, and scowl on his face.

Asonia just ignored him, laying on her side, with her legs curled up almost to her chest, and her arms supporting her head, she was a pitiful sight.

"You want to look your best for when you meet your future husband." He stated, his scowl turning even more sour when she only shook her head. He sighed in exasperation, and rubbed his eyes. "How about this, I have two of my men at your palace. If you do not agree to cooperate, then they will kill your royal advisor."

Asonia's head shot up then. She gave him a dirty look, then sighed in defeat. She stood up, and followed Werf to a bathroom. There she found a new set of robes.

Because Asonia knew there wasn't very much of a water supply, she made sure to take a a very long shower. When she was done, she dressed in the emerald green robes provided, and brushed her hair.

She always wore her hair down. It was a custom for the women of Zindaki to wear it down. Only when mourning a death, getting married, or accepting death, do they wear it up.

And sadly, Asonia was doing all three.

She felt fresh tears spill down her cheeks as she elaborately braided it (sorta like in the media, but it's way longer). She wished Pavel would come and rescue her. But she wasn't even sure if he was alive.

And that was what scared her the most.


Dr. McCoy rubbed his hands through his dark hair. He was so exhausted, that he could barely keep his eyes open. So many surgeries, so many deaths. All he wanted was to escape it all.

The one person he was worried about the most, was Chekov. The knife almost killed him, and his heart stopped twice during the surgery due to blood loss.

But somehow, the Russian pulled through. Somehow, he was still alive. It made McCoy wonder why he ever thought of the young navigator as weak.

He got up from the chair he was sitting in, and went to check on him. Pavel was still deathly pale. His skin never really was all that tan to begin with, but his paleness was even more noticeable now.

His heart beat was slow, but strong. As if he was staying alive for a specific purpose. McCoy sighed, and went to his office, where he fell asleep while doing paperwork.


Chekov's dream was a strange one. Possibly the strangest one he'd had yet. It wasn't because his imagination was weird, it was because he kept on seeing and hearing glimpses of Asonia.

In the dream, he was back on the orange clouds, just like that one night. He looked around, expecting to see Asonia there, but she wasn't.

He was surrounded by the clouds to the point that he couldn't see a thing beyond the fluffy color. That was when he heard it.

The sobbing. The sound of a person so upset, so sad, that they cried with all their heart and soul. He'd only ever heard one person cry like that.

"Asonia!" He yelled, but no matter what he said, she never replied. Suddenly, an image appeared on one of the clouds. Like a TV screen.

He saw her through her own eyes. Looking in a mirror, as she braided her long hair back. She was crying as she did so, and he soon found out why.

Another memory bubble appeared, this time, it was when she was younger. She was  reading a book about Zindaki customs.

"As is customary, any female must not wear her hair up, in any style, unless they are being wed, grieving the loss of life, or when preparing to die.

Though some exceptions are made, mainly for those of the royal guard."

Why was she putting her hair up? He wondered. The grieving he understood. But was that enough for her to do that?

Then he remembered why the Klingons wanted her. They wanted her to marry their Prince. And he was not a kind, nor gentle person.

She was preparing to die.

Marrying Dejen would mean her death. And she knew it. "No! Ason- Mary! I won't let you die! Do you hear me Mary? I'm not going to lose you again!" He yelled, this time, he heard an echo, and he knew, Asonia had heard his message.

He stayed in the clouds for another fifteen minutes, thinking. He needed to find her, and he needed to find her soon.

Pavel Chekov was in love. And no one was going to stop him from saving the girl he loved.

Hey, sorry this one is kinda short. I hoped you liked this chapter!

Be sure to comment and vote and stuff. It's always appreciated!


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