Chapter 1

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You looked ahead. It was dark all around you. Looming trees and long soft grass surrounded you and a shadowy figure stood in front of you. It had no features besides black holes where it's eyes should have been.

"Hello?" You called out. "Are you okay? Where are your eyes?"

There was no response. "Hello?" You called out again, still nothing.

You sighed and tried to walk away. When you tried, however, you discovered that you couldn't move. You looked back at the figure and you saw it open its mouth. It was perfectly round and had teeth going all the way around in multiple rows.

The moment it lunged at you, you woke up, hot and breathing heavily. Chills ran down your spin as a breeze blew through your room. Your eyes met the open sliding glass door. The curtain swayed gently.

You got up and walked over to the door, stepping out into the night. The cement balcony was cold on your bare feet.

Your neighbor to the left was leaning on his balcony, his eyes scanning your tired figure. "Bad dream?" He asked.

"Yeah. The same one." You mumbled. You gripped the rail and stared into the city lights. Cars driving six floors below you, an airplane flying eleven floors and several thousands of feet up.

"With the same thing staring at you?" He asked.

"Yes." Your voice was a whisper.

"You know it isn't real, right?" He stared at you.

"I know, it's just," you paused. "It all makes me so paranoid."

"You just need to relax." He said.

"I know Andrew, I just- I can't."

"Yes you can. I know you can."

"Whatever. I just need to go back to sleep. I have work in the morning." You told him.

"No you don't." Andrew chuckled. "Tomorrow is Saturday."

"Oh yeah." You giggled.

"You should still go back to bed though." He stood up.

"Yeah, you're right. Goodnight."

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." He flashed you a smile and walked inside.

You soon walked inside yourself. You sat on your bed and took a deep breath before laying down and falling back asleep to be met with the same dream.

When you woke up, you heard knocking at the door. You sighed and got up to answer it.

"FBI, I'm agent Crosby and this is agent Nash, we're here investigating a string of murders and would like to ask you a few questions." One of them said. He was shorter and had shorter hair than the giant man next to him with longer hair.

"Yes, uh, come in." You opened the door all the way and stepped to the side, letting them in. "Please excuse my appearance, I just got up." You said, suddenly embarrassed of your comfortable sweatpants and thin tank top. You grabbed a hoodie from on a chair and slipped it on, attempting to cover up a bit.

"Now, you are aware of these murders, correct?" Agent Nash asked you.

"Yes, a few single mothers dropping of exhaustion, no synovial fluid, probably drugged." You recalled.

"How do you know all that?" Agent Crosby asked you.

"A girl who works at the morgue and lives alone who suddenly has a string of murders around her studies up on what's going on." You smiled.

"Yes, well, you are sure that all these women were mothers?" Agent Crosby asked.

"Yes." You smiled. "Where are my manners, I forgot to ask if you would like a drink!"

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