Chapter 3

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You woke up and shuffled to the library, rubbing your eyes. You saw Sam and Dean talking. You stayed in the hall after seeing Sam's eyes flash blue. He seemed to be a whole new person, his body language completely different from what you observed as normal for him.

You stayed back and watched them. After awhile they pulled out a map and started talking about a 'Castiel'. You stepped out and put back on your sleepy face.

"What's going on?" You yawned.

"Oh, (y/n). Sammy got us breakfast. Real back and eggs." Dean gave you a styrofoam box and some plastic silverware.

"Thank you." You said and gratefully took the box.

"We have to go." Dean told you. "Keep reading, research, work on your shot. We'll talk about taking you when we get back."

"Alright." You nodded and got up to find a new book.

"And (y/n)?" Dean stopped.

"Yeah?" You looked back at him.

"Don't talk to Crowley." He said. "Sammy let's go!" He left.

"All alone again~" You mumbled. A blue book caught your eye this time. It just so happened to be about Angels.

You read about heaven, Angels, the word of God, nephilims, cupids, and general angel lore. You surprised yourself, you were able to understand everything you read. You even had some guesses as to what could fill in some of the holes.

After hours of studying, you decided that maybe a break would be good for your eyes. You put the book's silk bookmark on the page where you left off and set the book on the table in the middle of the room.

A sigh escaped your lips as you got up and stretched. You eyed the styrofoam box that you hardly touched, and your stomach growled. You ate what was left and threw away the box.

You had little idea on what you were going to do. Dean's options ran through your head. Study, work on your shot, avoid the demon down the hall. You decided to work on your shot.

You followed the hall that your room was down. At the end was a shooting range. You picked up a handgun. It was live and fully loaded.

The gun felt strangely natural in your hands, your dad's lessons coming back to you. You knew that you were rusty. There was no way that you'd be anything close to the shot you were. But, after some practice, maybe you could get there again.

You turned off the safety and cocked the gun. You brought it up to aim at the target across the room. You gripped the gun in one hand, one finger on the trigger. You held your arm straight and strong, but elbow slightly bent. You didn't know anything about this gun or how strong the recoil would be, so you had to be extra careful. You took a deep breath and aimed carefully for the head of the target. Then you pulled the trigger.

The shot hit its mark, technically. You hit the head of the target, but just barely. If it were a person, you probably would have just taken off their ear. It would still do some damage, but it probably wouldn't kill someone.

A sigh passed through your lips as you put another hand on the gun. You held it steady and cocked it, keeping your second hand up. You took a deep breath and fired two shots. Both of them hit around the middle of the head.

"Headshot!" You yelled excitedly, I smile on your face. "Maybe re-teaching myself these hunting skills won't be so bad after all." You put the gun back where you found it and roamed around for a bit.

After awhile you came across the room that you knew had Crowley in it. You heard a gruff voice from inside. "Is that new meat I smell?" It said. You assumed that it was Crowley. "I don't suppose that you're here to talk, eh?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2015 ⏰

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