Chapter 2

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"This is home sweet home." Dean said as he opened the large door to the-

"Is this a bunker?" You asked.

"Yes but, it's a very nice one." Sam said. The man he was carrying, you learned, was Crowley. A demon. Great.

"Welcome to your new- woah! Kevin, Jesus!" Dean yelled. There was an arrow in ornate railing.

"Sorry Dean. You're alive?" An Asian man said from behind a table.

"Yeah, thanks to your lousy shot." Dean grunted and pulled the arrow from the railing.

"I thought that the world ended or something. The lights on all these machines were going crazy and there were a ton of alarms and the doors locked me in- I haven't eaten, slept, and I'm a little backed up." He said, whispering the last part.

"You share too much." Dean said. "Pick up a gun next time."

"Yeah, but everything must have reset itself after you opened the door from the outside."

"Yeah, let's go with that."

"Who is that?" He asked.

"Oh, yeah." Dean coughed. "Kevin, (y/n). (Y/n), Kevin. We picked her up on our way back. Changeling case, real quick."

"He kinda burned down my apartment." You smiled and held out your hand for a handshake.

"Yeah, uh, hi." Kevin hesitated before shaking your hand. "Wait, is that-"

"Yes, just stay away from him. We have this under control." Sam said, carrying in Crowley.

Dean followed him into a room down a hall.

"So, (y/n), why did they take you? You have to have some use of some kind, they never just take someone in." Kevin asked.

"I guess I'm slightly psychic. And I minored in mythology in college." You told him. "Plus some hunting and fighting skills and nowhere to go."


"Long story." You said.

"Okay Kevin, just stay away from him. You too (y/n). We're leaving. A case." You hear Dean.

"What? He killed my mother! Why would you bring him here?" Kevin yelled.

"We need him. He's gonna tell us everyone he has topside and we're gonna take them all out." He said.


"We'll hold him down while you gank him if he tries anything." Dean said. "But right now, we need him."

"Fine." Kevin sat down in a nice wooden chair.

"(Y/n) read a few of these books and work on your Latin. We might take you on a hunt one day but right now you need to study up." Sam told you. "Kevin help her."

"Alright." Kevin grunted, in a bit of a pissy mood.

"Work on your shot, too. We're going to test you before we take you with us." Dean said.

"You can take a room over here, let me show you.." Sam said, leading you down a hall. "This one." He opened the door and turned on the light.

It was a plain white room with a simple bed with white sheets, a shelf, a bedside table, a closet, a dresser, and a desk. And we can't forget the desk chair.

"I know it isn't much but you can do whatever you want to it, I guess." He said. He ran a hand through his hair. "I know it can't compare to your old room but it's the best we can do."

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