the missing are always in the shadows

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Baby, baby, naughty baby,

Hush, you squalling thing, I say.

Peace this moment, peace, or maybe

Bonaparte will pass this way.

Baby, baby, he's a giant,

Tall and black as Rouen steeple,

And he breakfasts, dines, rely on't,

Every day on naughty people.

Baby, baby, if he hears you

As he gallops past the house,

Limb from limb at once he'll tear you,

Just as feline tears a mouse.

And he'll beat you, beat you, beat you,

And he'll beat you into pap,

And he'll eat you, eat you, eat you,

Every morsel snap, snap, snap.

(mother goose rhyme )


chapter one

I heard the car door close with a thump as it woke me. I rubbed my drowsy eyes and looked around then I had remembered that we had moved to a new house. My mother was outside observing the house and praising her self on what a good job she did picking out a house. My sister beside me was still pouting about the new move. I decided to go look around and explore. I got out of the car and went to my mother. "Hey mom I'm going to go take a look around the house." after she told me to be careful I left to go look around. as I walked around getting to know the place I noticed that there was a small forest at the end of the neighborhood and how my house was the closest one to the woods. "how odd,I wonder why they would do that" I said this questioning my self but then decided to think nothing more of it. as I turned around to walk back I heard the snap of a twig and a low voice as if it was whispering in my ear "naughty naughty child won't you come and play?" I looked around quickly to see nobody near and decided to run back to the house.

When I got back the movers had already finished moving in all the things in to the house. how long have I been gone? I thought It had only been a few minutes. I walked into the house and decided to take a look around to check out the rooms. since this was a two story house I decided to take a look at the second floor first. I climbed the the stairs to the second floor and then observed the area. there was there was one bedroom and bathroom and the rest was just empty space enough to place a couch and television. I went to look at the bedroom the room some how felt nostalgic like I had been here before. No that must be my imagination I don't remember a place like this. there was a circular window on the wall facing the door and when you looked outside the window you could see the small forest. around the window there was small writing. it seemed like a poem a very disturbing one at that. I looked closer to read the whole thing.

Baby, baby, naughty baby,

Hush, you squalling thing, I say.

Peace this moment, peace, or maybe

Bonaparte will pass this way.

Baby, baby, he's a giant,

Tall and black as Rouen steeple,

And he breakfasts, dines, rely on't,

Every day on naughty people.

Baby, baby, if he hears you

As he gallops past the house,

Limb from limb at once he'll tear you,

Just as feline tears a mouse.

And he'll beat you, beat you, beat you,

And he'll beat you into pap,

And he'll eat you, eat you, eat you,

Every morsel snap, snap, snap.

the poem seemed familiar to me like someone had told me it before. "sage and Bethany come down for lunch!" My mother called after us. I went down to the kitchen failing to notice the dark shadow off in the distance.

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