the missing are always in the shadows

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chapter 3

  The little boy handed me back my sketch book after wiping his tears. "You draw really good mister" said the little boy looking up at me. I was really shocked at his response on the sketch I had made on my dream. I also had to wonder what he was doing on a high school bus. so I decided to question him on that matter. "umm...Hey kid your supposed to be on the elementary bus right?". a couple of kids sitting in front of me started to whisper "hey look the new guy is crazy" and then they began to laugh. What do they mean I'm crazy I'm not talking to my self I'm talking to a kid. I then faced towards the little boy again. as I was about to speak the little boy spoke first. "mister I must tell you to refrain speaking to me in public." then the little boy just sat quietly facing the front of the bus. I stared a the little boy a little longer. I noticed that there were bruises on his wrists. that his light Brown hair was messy with dried dirt. his blue eyes looked pale. his feet were bare and his shirt had rips like an animal had tried clawing at it and the end of his shorts were starting to fray.

The little boy continuously followed me through out the the school day. in each of my classes he would sit down on the floor near my desk or walk around the class room. "Mr.lee!" I jumped in my seat when the teacher called me out interrupting my train of thought. "Yes sir" I answered confused. "I know this may be your first day at this school but please pay attention." said the teacher while turning back to the board. "Yes sir" I muttered quietly. when the final bell rang to go home I grabbed my stuff to leave. on the way towards the exit the little boy grabbed my arm and started to pull me in another direction. "come with me " said the little boy pulling me in the direction of a storage closet. "kid can you at least tell me your name and why nobody else notices you" the little boy abruptly stop and and faced me. "mister you must be blunt" excuse me... "Do you really not know why nobody else sees me?" well I did come up with one idea. "So what you really are a ghost?" I asked the little boy. "Yeah what else would I be" he said with a serious expression.  Okay...Okay I must be going crazy maybe the kids on the bus were right. the little boy saw my expression of disbelief. "What you don't believe me close your eyes for sec." I did what the boy told me to do. "Hey you can open your eyes now." when I opened my eyes I was staring at my self "ta-da! I am now in your body." I staggered a bit. "wow! it's been so long since I've felt ground." he started to pace around while talking "you must be wondering how I'm controlling your body right?" I nodded unable to talk. "Well when I said for you to close your eyes you did what I said which allowed me to enter your body and control it" I nodded I was bit calmer now but still nervous wondering if I would get my body back. "kid I understand stand that and all but can I have my body back" he seemed to think about the question and finally sighed. "sure but you gotta let me use it again sometime now close your eyes" I closed them again. "Okay open" I opened my eyes and I was once again in my body and saw the kid smiling up at me. "Hey what's your name kid" I asked him when he grabbed onto my arm again and pulled me in the direction of the storage closet again. "My name is Bethen." Bethen...that name sounded strangely familiar.

Bethen opened the storage closet door he led me to. I walked in and looked around. there was nothing in here you would at least think there was a mop or two. "Hey mister move this here." I walked over to where he was. "My name is sage by the way." Bethen was quiet for a bit and then responded with "I know." I paused to stare at him for a couple seconds then looked to down at what he was staring at. on the floor was a couple of wooden planks as I moved them out of the way and entrance to an under ground room started to appear.

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