The missing are always in the shadows

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chapter 2

I felt something brush against my cheek. "w-who's there?" I said out loud as I looked around. "your such a naughty child...". where did that voice come from? I saw a dark figure out the corner of my eye. I turned in it's direction and asked it "what do you want?". "What do I want" there was pause then it spoke again "What DO I want?", "well there is ONE thing I want". he walked closer to me and spoke again "the thing I want the most to eat" it's mouth then crept into a smile. I backed away until I felt a wall against my back. I felt something round and cold then I soon realized It was a door knob. I opened the door quickly just as it was about to pounce.

I woke with a suddenly in a cold sweat. My older sister was banging at my door calling my name. "sage! sage wake up! we're going to miss the bus!" I quickly got out of bed and got ready throwing on some Jean's a white-T and a black hoodie and finger combed my messy dark Brown hair. I quickly put on my shoes with out bothering to tie the shoe laces. I could tie them on the bus. I opened the door to see my sister with my school bag in hand. I was quite shocked to see her doing that. she caught me looking at her surprised. "What?" she asked about to take her mirror out to see if she had anything on her face. "No it's nothing it's just this is the first time you did that since elementary school." when the incidents started to happen. "whatever dork anyway keep growing your hair like that then everyone will start to think your a girl." I laughed a bit "well at least I'm tall enough for everyone to think I'm not a girl."   we went down stairs to eat breakfast that our mother had already prepared and then went to go wait out for the bus.

when I we had gotten on the bus I looked for a empty seat. I spotted one in the back. as I traveled to the back a lot of the girls were staring at me some even started to giggle. What was  their problem? when I got to my seat I took out my sketch book and started to draw. I was so immersed in my drawing that I hadn't noticed a little boy sitting next to me. when I finished drawing the little boy grabbed my sketch book. when the little boy saw the drawing he started to silently cry. "Hey....umm...are you okay?" I'm not very good with kids so I don't know how to comfort them at times like this. the little boy started to speak "what has dad turned into?" I looked at the boy in surprise why would he say that about the drawing of the dark figure I saw in my dream?...

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