Chapter 8

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Mitch pov

I felt really bad for Angels friend Star, cheating is an ugly thing.

I'm just happy that Angle is coming home.

I miss her so much, when I told the guys that's her birthday, we thought that she should throw a party.

A surprise party.

Time skip

We invited Hope, and Jerome brought his girlfriend.

"Shhhhhhh, Angel will be here any minute."  Adam pointed out.

"Omg, she's here." Ty screamed as he pointed out the window.

We all hind in our handing places and turned off the lights.

"I can't WAIT for you to meet the guys, hey? Anyone home?" She asked.

"SURPRISE" we all shouted.

"Lol I heard you guys, I knew that that was going to happen." She told us.

"How?" Tyler asked.

"We have super hearing." I explained.

Time skip

Angel pov

They tried to surprise me, lol fail. I let them meet Star, Hope and Star really hit off. 

I'm glad there friends, I'm really happy for him.

"Hi, I'm Kate, Jerome's girlfriend." She talked to me.

"Hi, I'm Angel." 

Me and Kate talked, but soon Hope and Kate left. So me and Star could let our wings out.

Her wings are white with Orange tips. Along with her hair.

Star pov

That Girl Hope, has a crush on Jerome, in pretty sure that Jerome would rather go out with me.

Hope pov

That new girl star needs to back off, I saw Jerome first.

Angel pov

The party went really nice, everyone was having a good time, but I felt like Mitch was starting at me.

Mitch pov

The music was blasting and now is the perfect time to tell Angel how I feel, I brought her blue and white roses.

I took them out from under the table."you got this dood" Jerome told me.

I slowly walked to her, she was dancing on the dance floor with Star, I couldn't asked her when Star is here.

Lucky for me, about 5 minutes in, Star left to go to the bathroom.

Now is the time, I walked across the dance floor and made my way to Angel. She looked so graceful, and happy.

I taped on her shoulder and she turned my way, and out pulled the flowers from behind my back.

She was shocked. Her mouth was open.

"He-hey, so you want to go on a date with me?" I asked sweetly.

"Mitch! Omfg YEZZZ!" She shouted.

"How about tomorrow at 6:30?" I asked.


We spent the rest of the party dancing together. She was a awesome dancer!

Time skip

Angel pov

The party was GREAT! Mitch asked me out, the BajanCandian asked ME out!

Hope gave me a beanie that says #Love with a candy bar.

Adam me a necklace with matching gold earrings.

Ty gave me a laptop and a plug in mouse.

Jerome gave me an iPhone 4 with a poke and dot case.

Tyler gave me a #FlyHigh hoodie.

Kate gave me 2 tickets to a movie.

Mitch gave me an iPod with MORE flowers, and lots and lots of heart shaped candy.

So overall, my Birthday was the best ever.

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