Chapter 13

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I can't believe this is happening! I'm ridding away with Star in the back of a police truck.

What's going to happen to us? Are they going to hurt us? Or worse, kill us? 

I missed Mitch already, I miss his smile, his laugh, I just his him so much and we have only been departed for like 10 minutes.

Star and me hugged close, not letting each other go. Crying.

Our eyes were red and puffy.

Star gasped as she looked out the barred windows, the zoo.

In Cloud 9, they told horrible story's about the zoo, how they cage you up, feed you twice a day, and don't let you leave.

We cried harder, hugging each other closer.

The doors opened, and they put leashes on us, really?

They lead us to cages, it was really big, lots of trees, and a stream of water.

I was thinking we could fly out, but of COUSE they put a roof like a butterfly cage.

They closed down the whole zoo and told the public that our exhibit would be open tomorrow.

"Why hello, so you can talk, what is your kind named." This dude asked us, from outside the cage.

"I hope you know that you JUST kidnaped the princess of the Ravens and that you JUST started a war"  Star standed.

"What do you mean?"

"We know Earth like the back of our hand, and UNLESS you let us go, all humans will die." She continued.

(Lol Star is lying, she is NOT the princess, but there is one.)

He froze, " ok I will let you go, but if we catch you again, because we haven't told the government about you yet soooo, go!"

He unleashed us and we flew back home.

2 years later

"Come on push!" The doctor screamed at me.

I pushed for what it felt like hours.

"It's a girl!" The doctor told us!

The Girl With Wings ( Bullies By TeamCrafted)Where stories live. Discover now