Chapter Four

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Maybe I spoke too soon...

Yesterday was the first day of school, which was hell. Somehow everyone knows that I'm in the system and my parents are gay. Everyone made fun of me for it, I didn't see how it was my fault. Anyway, the system isn't a bad thing and neither are gays. Why would they be so hateful when they don't even know my parents? It's not like they're mean or anything.

On top of all the hate, my classes kept getting changed because the teachers didn't want someone who was behind in their class.

Today I still got hate from almost everyone but I started talking to another girl who was in the system. She seemed pretty cool, we talked at lunch and realized that we have all but one class together. After talking to her most of the day, I can't seem to remember her name.

After school I went home and told RJ and Rick about my day. They seemed concerned about all the hate but told me I should ignore it. RJ was excited about my new friend and said I could have her over sometime, if I wanted.

We all decided to take a short nap, then we got stuff for my new room. RJ and Rick even let me pick my new carpet. I chose really soft, black carpet and a country theme. I can't wait to start decorating, it's going to be so cool!

Tomorrow is goinf to be a really long day, but it's Friday and Rick is taking me to the arcade, so it can't be that bad.

I spoke too soon again...

This guy started to hit on me and I told him to stop because I didn't know him so he got some of his friends to beat me up. Now I'm back in the hospital and my parents have to be questioned because the police think they did it. This should be fun.

RJ and Rick aren't being charged, I'm so thankful, I don't know what I would do if they were. It's finally time to go home, I'll still be out of school for a few days though.

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