~Late Night Calls and Early Flights ~

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That night when Karma and I were sleeping I woke up to the sound of a phone ringing. I felt Karma moving and waking up also she reached over to the bedside table and grabbed her phone to answer it.

"Hello?" She answered in a confused tone. She put the phone on speaker and began to speak again. "Hellooo?" She said again and strung out the 'o'.

"Hello, K-Karma is this you?" I heard a familiar voice ask from the other end.

"Yes this is her, who is this?" Karma asked in a confused tone.

"This is Claire, Alice's mother, I-I'm afraid I have some bad news" the woman on the other line said.

"And what might this be? Is Alice okay?" Karma asked sitting up and twirling her hair.

"Alice is in the E.R she tried to k-kill herself, they don't think sh-she'll make it" I heard Claire sais then started crying. I could see a tear making it's way down Karma's face I wiped it away and motioned her to the phone.

"We will be out there as soon as we can" Karma said then ended the conversation, by saying goodbye and hanging up the phone.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Dan, I really don't know anymore" she said resting her head on my shoulder, tears still making their way down her face I turned to her and softly wiped the tears away from her face.

"I love you, and I promise you everything will be okay" I said kissing her then pulling her into a hug. We sat in silence until we broke apart from each other and Karma stated that we should book the soonest flight to Las Vegas. After we booked the flight which was at 5:00am. We had some more time to sleep and then to get ready to go. We woke up at 3:30am to my alarm, which was all the way across the room so I had to try my best to crawl out of bed and shut it off without laying back down and not going back to sleep.

"Are you ready babe?" Karma asked me while she put on a jacket and scarf.
"Yea" I said dragging our luggage out and into the taxi. I pulled out my phone and texted Phil.

Hey Phil!-:Dan

Hi Dan, what's up?-Phil

Well umm that's actually why I texted you, me and Karma are on our way to the airport right now because we are going to Las Vegas.-:Dan

What?! Why are you going there?-Phil

You know Alice?-:Dan


Well she tried to kill herself and she is in the E.R. and they don't thing she is going to make it. Her mother wanted Karma out there ASAP.-:Dan

Okay just be careful, and tell Karma I'm sorry, I guess I will be staying here a while longer.-Phil

After I finished talking to Phil we we're already at the airport, I payed the taxi driver and we were off and Into the airport.

---------------------20 mins later-----------------

After we went through security and took our seats we both slowly fell asleep and we were off!

I woke up and we were about to land, I looked over to Karma who was sleeping while her head rested on my shoulder. Slowly I began to pull my phone out of my pocket when she started to move, her eyes opened slightly leaving enough space for her to see what was going on. I pushed my phone back into my pocket and watched Karma as she began to slowly wake up. "Good Morning handsome" she whispered as she stretched her arms and a small grin appeared on her face. "How long have you been up?" She asks.

"Maybe like a minute or two" I said letting out a quiet chuckle.

"Oh, are we almost there?" She asked

"We are actually about to land" I answer smiling as I gazed out the window and noticed we were almost on the ground.

"Yay, I am so ready to get out of this box of metal and see Alice!" She said happily and giggling at the end.

"Me too" I said lifting her head up with my index finger and kissing her lightly on the lips.

After we departed and left the airport we were off to the Hospital!

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