First Day

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I should start by introducing who I am considering that you are inside my brain and all, but I'm not good at introductions. So I'll just start off by asking two questions from you. Oh and also hi! Well, anyway what's your name? Ooh and one thing I don't know?

Well first off you are crazy if you think that I'm going to respond to that, and secondly what am I doing here!?

Oh! I thought you knew already you are going to live my life now so good luck. Oh and I almost forgot to mention that this story isn't true, only it is because its a story....anything else....let my think real quick.

Take your time, it's not like I can go anywhere.

Oh yeah, that's what I'm forgetting! The most important thing is to try not to fall in love with him.

Who is him exactly?

The guy who clonks you..uh the head with a locker of course, duh.

Oh, um...

Ooh! Its starting...just relax and enjoy!

But I..

I said shh!


The school bell clongs once. Shoot I'm late! I'm late! I'm late! I rush into the office, the door slamming behind me. "I'm so sorry, I'm late getting here. I walked and.."

"Don't worry child, its just the first bell. There is still two minutes till homeroom starts."

For some reason I have that song stuck in my head now.

What song?

Don't you worry don't you worry child, you know?

Yeah...hey, don't interupt the story! Now I'll have to rewind it! Thanks alot!

Hey don't blame me!

"You're late!"

"Etal er'uoy"


Oops too far, oh well. From the child thing then!


"..its just the first bell. There is still two minutes till homeroom starts."

"Oh, thank you! I'm Naomi, I'm new here."

"Yes, I know very well who you are. As it says here on my desk, I'm the principle at this school. Now Naomi, here is your classes and locker number. Also make sure you follow the rules in the agenda or planner as teachers call it. Now shoo! I'm very busy and you can't be late to class on your first day!"

"Right, class!" I grab my papers and planner off her desk and rush out the door. "Thx!" I yell over my shoulder. I smush the papers in the planner after I find my first class. Oh just perfect, my homeroom is language arts! I despise this class. Great and now, I am also late! So much for not sticking out. Well here goes my new year. I take a deep breath and I push open the door.

Why did it stop! And why now of all places?

Because its the end of the chapter you idiot!

Hey, don't call names. Its just it seemed so short to be the end.

Well a duh, its a cliffhanger. And the writer wants to make them that way.


Just quit complaining and play the next chapter already.

Alright, alright! I'm doing it just stop hitting me!

Author notes: hey everyone. I'm sorry if you didn't like the chapter. If I need to explqin anything let me know :)

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