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Are you sure you pushed play?

Yes of course I did! I'm not that dumb, I know how to push the green arrow button.

No that's the skip chapter button, hand it over!

Fine take it!

Why'd you toss it at the wall?!

I didn't mean to!

Just help my find it!

I shut the door quietly behind me and try to get to a seat before the teacher turns around. Of course as always my plan fails and I trip on someone outstreched leg.

"Ooph!" Ends up whooshing out of my mouth.

"Ahh, you must be Naomi. You're late! Take a seat I won't tolerate tardiness in my class. Understood?"

I nod my head and take the nearest seat. I know someething is wrong the moment I do. Oh no! What did I do now?

"Young lady you do not nod or shake your head at anyone! You have words you use them to speak yes?"

I start to nod and stop,"Uh yes sir!" I scramble out and look down at the desk. No wonder people are starring I'm a social outcast in this class already. And um what's that on the desk? Is that a..no a note! From who? I pull my beany hat down a little farther and slouch in my seat. It crumples as I open it but the teacher is too deaf to notice.

First, last, and only warning. If you don't want to be bullied or stick out, I suggest not to get called out by the teacher.

Well, isn't that obvious now? Like I hadn't learned five seconds ago?

I flip the note over and read on:

That guy in the front of the class is the gang leader. Without the adults knowing, he encourages the fights here.

Oh fudgelicks, just stay quiet and pretend this class never happened. I put my head down and cover my head with my sleeves and hat.

I'm the first one out of class but am the first to run into someone.

"Watch it!" The girl shouts.

"Sorry.." I mutter and start to my next class. Instinct tells me I'm being followed but I ignore it. At the door to the gym I KNOW I'm being followed. Don't turn around my mind screams at me, but of course I do. I look both ways and there is no one there at all not even people just walking by. What is going on!

I look at my watch. I'm not late am I? No. So what the freak happened to everyone?

The gym door squeaks as I open it. This is my next class but its empty too. I look at my watch again like I did five minutes ago. This can't happen its brand new. I shake it but it stays frozen at the same time.

I run to the office, not caring about being late. Not a single person!

I lean against the wall and let my mind go insane. What is happening, what am I doing? I watch the school clock as it keeps going. According to it, i've spent almost an hour just sitting here thinking. No way has it been that long, but somehow it has.

I misawel try and fix my watch in the meantime. But as I look at it, its working again. Okkayyy. That's weird.

"What is?" A girl asks.

I look up and everything is normal again. What the frog tungs is going on at this school!

"I..um nothing." I stutter out and then run out of the office to art, my next class. Art is my favorite subject, even if I'm not that good.

I look back behind me as I run into someone but don't dare look at the face. A hold a hand out in sorry but keep running...straight into a freaking locker!

It flacks into my head and closes. A hand comes close to my face and I take it. I'm pulled up by someone strong. My vision has gone blurry so I can't see who.

"Hey, I'm sorry I'm Jayden. You're new here right?" The guys voice carries through my ears.

"I..I'm." Oh no who am I?

My vision comes back and the hottest guy I've ever seen is right in front of me! His eyes are a dark ocean blue. My knees are weak an d I start to fall..falling..down..

Arms surround me and his face is inches from mine for a second. Jayden. I'll remeber you. I smile just before I pass out.

Not again!

And now because of you we can't play the next chapter!

Don't blame this on me!

But it's your fault!

No it's not!

Just find it and push the dumb button!

Alright! Alright!

Author's Notes: I'm sorry if it got a little confusing every now and then, but I'm happy to explain :)

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