Chapter Sixteen

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I sat up in bed and stretched before I got out of it. "Good morning," Erica said when she finally woke up. "Where you going, baby?"

"I gotta go see Chris real quick," I replied to her and went to the bathroom and shower. When I was done, I put my clothes and grabbed my keys. "Alright boo, I'm gone. What time is it?"

"Like 9:30," Erica answered once she looked at the clock beside her.

"You think you'll be dressed when I get out? We going shopping and we can go get something to eat if you want to." She nodded her head and smiled. I walked over to her and kissed her cheek before I walked out of the room.

Once I made it to the hall where Chris' room was, I saw two policemen that knew me from when me and my brothers used to do stupid shit in the neighborhood when we were younger. Of course, they were much younger then.

"Hey, Brandon. You got a minute?" One asked.

"I don't," I said quickly before I walked into Chris' room. "Aye, the folks talked to you?"

"Yeah. They asked who shot me."

"What you say?"

"Shit, what you think? I just told them that he was dead already. If I didn't, they would've just found somebody else to blame."

"Right, right."

"I get outta here tomorrow."

"Word? What time?"

"'I don't know. I'll text you when though because when I get out, I'm giving back to New York."

"Damn, that's right. I forgot." We talked for a little while longer before I left to take Erica out.

"Bae, you dressed?" I yelled for her until I reached our bedroom where I found her, still in the bed.

"Why are you yelling?" She asked, sounding annoyed.

"You was supposed to dressed, fool."

"Well, come get me out of the bed." I started kissing her neck and cheeks until she agreed that she'd get up.

When she was dressed and already to go, I locked the door behind me and we walked to her car and headed for the mall.

"Hey, baby?" I looked at Erica when I heard her voice. "You like these?"

"Yeah, let me see 'em."

"Want me to get them for you?"

"Nah, I'm straight. Thanks, boo. You want something?"  She nodded her head yes and pointed to some shoes. I picked the shoe up and walked to the employee who worked at the counter so he could go get the other one.

"You wanted a eight, right?"

"May I get a twelve in these, too?" Erica asked him and I looked at her sideways.
"What are you doing?"

"You should get something too, babe," she kissed me just before the guy came back to the counter with both pairs of shoes.

"That'll be $750.50, y'all." I reached for my card, but Erica already gave him hers. I shook my head and he looked at me and said, "you better let that girl spoil you, haha. Real talk. It ain't that many girls that'll do that." He handed me the bags and we walked out of the store and walked to another.

"E, you want these Trues?" I asked her.  She said yes and gave them to me. "What about this shirt and jacket?" I asked while look to see if everything was in her size.

"Of course," we walked to the counter and I handed the saleswoman my card. We walked out of the store carrying the bag of clothes.

"Excuse me, don't I know you from somewhere? I don't forget a face," the lady said. She was the woman that was talking to me before I got Erica that jewelry a couple weeks ago.

"Yes, you talked to me about change, I think. We were by the jewelry store."

She nodded her head, "have you done what I asked of you?"

"To be honest, I have but then again, I haven't," I replied, honestly.

"I see, I see. Tell you what, I have a little thing to promote my book in an hour. Why don't you come by?"

"Where is going to be?"

"The library across town, at one. You and this beautiful lady can come together. You two make a beautiful couple."

"Thank you. I'll be there. By the way, I never got your name."

"It's Veronica, yours?"

"I'm Brandon and this  is my girlfriend, Erica."

"Nice to meet you both."

"You too," Erica said to her with a unreadable look on her face. She said she'll see us later and walked away.

"Who was that?" Erica asked.

"She talked to me a couple weeks ago."


We went to get something to eat and rushed home because we wanted to change clothes.

It took us a few minutes to get seated once we made it to the library. It seemed to take even longer for her to start talking. She finally started when people stopped clapping and cheering.

"Good afternoon everyone! My name is Veronica Myers and I would like to thank you all for taking the time out of your day to come to see me and be apart of this Q&A," she greeted everyone and let the event really start.  People were asking questions and she'd answer. But, after a while, it got deeper than just the book. People were talking about their life and situations. "Brandon, why don't you come up and tell us about yourself." I gave her a long look and looked at Erica before I stood up and walked toward Veronica to stand beside her.

I took a deep breath before I spoke. "Well I guess you could say I grew up where you know, everybody struggled. They just lived  from check to check. But, I was lucky enough to make it out with football. But then I ended up getting injured. The difference between me and other people is that, I had the chance to come back. I wanted to do more and I guess. i'm still looking for that thing to get my attention. I need to find something fast though."

I decided not to tell all of these people about what I did to make money. I wasn't trying to incriminate myself. She told me to meet her after the event was over before I took my seat.

"Thanks to everone for coming out. I really hope you enjoyed yourselves. If you would like to purchase my book, it will be available near the door. Again, thank you all, for everything!"

I waited for people to finish getting autographs and to leave before I walked up to ms. Veronica.

"How was it?" She asked after she walked up to Erica and me.

"It was pretty good," we  said in unison. "Thanks for inviting us," Erica finished and I nodded.

"You two are so cute. Brandon, I was paying really close attention to you and your story. I hope you find something that will interest you. I used to be like you are now, when I tore my ACL and couldn't run track anymore. But, I found that writing is very therapeutic to me and my soul. Maybe you should try if out. Anyways, I have to go. I want you both to have a good day."

"You too," I said to her before she walked away.

"Y'all seem mighty close. Let me find out something else is going on and that's both of y'all asses," Erica fussed, but I just laughed.
"Bae, that lady is in her late forties. I don't know why she keep talking to me, but she was trying to help I guess."

"I don't care."

"Chill out, you getting on my nerves."

She laughed, "So?" She gave me a kiss and pulled away from the parking spot and drove home.

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