Worse Nightmare.

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Jason's POV

She fainted..

Jason: quick...call 911

Justin kept on screaming and crying. Asking what happened to her

Erin got Justin and I laid Genesis on the couch waiting on the ambulance to get here

I caressed her cheek. Making sure she was alright

Erin: they're on the way. Jason why would she faint

Jason: I don't know.

Justin let go of Erin and ran towards me.

Justin: daddy! I-is mo-mommy go-goin to-to be-be o-ok-okay

He asked as her hugged me

Jason: sshh...yes baby mommy will be okay.

Just then they busted threw the door and they put Genesis on the Rollie bed if that's what you call it.

Man: who's with her

Jason: I am...

Man: alright let go

Jason: okay....I'm Erin take Justin and meet us there.

She nodded

They rushed to the van. I got up. I was next to her side.

They put the oxygen mask on. They did everything on her. Blood pressure. Name it.

Man: is she on any medicine?

Jason: not that I know of

He looked at me funny

Jason: she's carrying my baby. I'm not with her with her.

Man: uh right. She constantly under pressure?

Jason: no. Not at all. She really can't do anything.

He did what he could until we got to the hospital.

They got her off and rushed her inside. In the lobby was Erin

Erin: what did they say?

Jason: nothing. But she's okay. She's breathing.

Justin was still crying. I carried him and tried to calm him down a bit. He wouldn't let go of me.

They me me sign some papers.

Hours passed and we still were in the lobby waiting on any news from her.

Doc: Are you with the woman that came in a few hours ago

Jason: yes sir I was.

Doc: she's awake now. She keeps asking for a Justin.

Jason: that's our son. But will she be okay? What happened

Doc: nothing serious. This happens more than you think. She'll be fine. Congratulations

Jason: thanks? But.... How's the baby

Doc: the baby is perfect. As a matter of fact she's heathy as a race horse on the track. Mom takes good care of herself. More questions?

Jason: when will she be able to leave.?

Doc: couple of hours. We're waiting on a couple of tests we ran just to double check. You can go ahead and go. She's in room B94

He went in the other direction

Justin: mommy will be okay right

Jason: yea baby...we're on our way to see her.

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