Chapter 3

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A/N: Hey guys! I'm back with another chapter, since you guys are all so supportive! *sob* Thank you so much for everything, even if it's just the third chapter! Onto the story!

Italy's POV

I led Chase to my favourite restaurant, which served the best pasta in the city. I opened the door to the interior and he walked in, with me following.

Ve... I hope Germany won't be mad at me, I thought to myself, I'm sure he'll understand!

We were led to a table by a lovely young waitress. I was a regular customer, so she instantly recognized me.

"It-Feliciano! It's so good to see you here again! Who's this man with you? I'm surprised it's not Ludwig for once," she joked.

"His name is Chase, he's a tourist and he got lost, so I'm showing him around!" I replied happily. "Chase, this is Bella, she came here from Belgium!" Belgium smiled and shook Chase's hand. Us countries had to use our human names to hide the fact that there were immortal beings representing countries.

"Two plates of pasta, please!" I requested. Belgium nodded and left.

"So... Um, Feliciano. How well do you know Italy? You live here, right?" Chase asked.

"Yeah, I do, for my whole life! I know this country like the back of my hand, the history, the people, everything!" I responded confidently, while still sounding human.

"Oh, really? I read somewhere that way earlier in your history, you were part of a... Thing called the Holy Roman Empire. Do you think you could tell me about that? It sounds quite interesting."

I froze in my spot. Why, out of our whole history, was he interested about that? And today is that day...

"O-oh yeah, sure. I can tell you about that. It was in the Early Middle Ages when it first started and it ended when it faced a military defeat on August 6 1806 while facing off with the French," I informed him, my tone getting more sad and quiet each word I spoke.

"Oh I see... Are you alright? Did... Did you lose someone during that time?" he asked worriedly.

"Y-yeah... He was really important to me."

Wait. He would be confused. It was over two hundred years ago. I looked at him, scared that he might've figured something out. He then looked me in the eyes and opened his mouth, as if about to say something.

"Can I tell y-"

"Here's your pasta, you two! Enjoy!" Belgium cut him off as she placed down two plates of delicious noodles covered in delicious tomato sauce and handpicked spices from the garden just behind the restaurant.

"Thank you, Bella! We'll enjoy it for sure!" I thanked her, but I was curious on what Chase was about to say.

"What were you going to say?" I smiled at him as Belgium left to take another table's order.

"O-oh, it's nothing really. This pasta is really good, thanks for taking me here," Chase replied as he stuffed a mouthful of pasta into his mouth. I guessed he didn't want to talk about it, so I dropped it.

After we finished, I payed and we left the restaurant. The rest of the day was perfect. We visited gift shops, the Colosseum, and many other landmarks. We finally got back to the park where I was training with Germany. It was already 8:47pm, so we just relaxed on a bench.

"Thanks for the tour, Feliciano. I really appreciated it." Chase smiled.

"No problem, I love helping people! In fact, today was a very sad day for me, and you really cheered me up. You sort of remind me of him. The way you smile, the way you talk, it's like he's still here with me."


Oh right, he has no idea who I'm talking about.

"Erm, he's someone really close to me, but he... Died today. August 6," I quickly said, leaving out the year.

"Oh, sorry for your loss."

I didn't know what to say, so I just looked forwards at the sunset. Then I started to cry, salty tears flowing down my cheeks. How could I be so happy on this day? I had to mourn for Holy Rome, not go touring my own country with some random human.

"Hey Feliciano."

"Hm?" I turned my head towards him. His blue eyes shimmered with concern. They reminded me of Holy Rome's eyes, and I let out another sob.

"Don't cry, it's going to be okay. People die, it's something that happens to everyone. But let me tell you this. Whoever this guy is, I know that he's watching over you right now, somewhere out there."

I stopped crying. Maybe he was right. What happened to countries and empires when they fell? Did they watch us from above, or did they become human?

"Maybe you're right. Maybe, Holy Roman Empire is still alive!" I exclaimed in excitement, forgetting that Chase had no idea what I was talking about. Luckily, he remained silent about it.

"Well, I gotta head back to my hotel. I had a great time, thank you again!" Chase got off the bench and left the park, walking to his hotel. I ran back to my house and opened the door when I got there. My brother was in the middle of making pasta, and he took a quick glance at me before returning to the boiling pot.

"Why are you so happy suddenly? You were crying your eyes out this morning," he questioned.

"Well, after all that, I met this guy named Chase, and he was a lost tourist, so I showed him around! We had lots of fun, and then I told him about Holy Rome, and he told me that he was watching over me! That means he's still alive!" I rambled happily.

"Wait... What? You told a human about Holy Rome? Do you know what they'll do? They're gonna tell someone, and we'll be exposed! They're a threat, Italy!  Are you an idiot?"

"Oh yeah... It was an accident though! And he seemed completely fine about it too!"

"Ugh, this is hurting my head, I'm going to bed. Pasta's done if you want it. Goodnight, Veneciano," Romano sighed and walked upstairs, leaving me alone. I took a plate of pasta and sat down at the dinner table. Even though I had dinner already, I couldn't resist pasta! After I finished, I washed my plate and went upstairs to the bathroom. After I showered and brushed my teeth, I changed into my pyjamas and jumped onto my bed.

Holy Rome, if you're there, I want to let you know that I still love you. No matter how many centuries pass, I will love you the most. Please, tell me if you're there. I miss you, I said in my head as I closed my eyes and fell into a deep, peaceful sleep.

If Holy Rome Survived |A HRE x Italy Short Story Thing|Where stories live. Discover now