Chapter One

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~~two thousand years ago~~

"Bye Holy Rome! When you get home, we can have pasta together! Be safe and try not to die violently!" Italy shouted, with tears in his eyes.

"Don't worry, I won't! No matter how many years pass, I'll love you the most of anyone in the world!" Holy Rome replied as he left for war.

After, Holy Rome threw himself in a really long war. When he was close to falling, he went into hiding and it was soon rumoured that he died. France went to visit Italy and told him the news. He cried every day until Austria yelled at him to stop. Though soon Italy covered it up with happiness and pasta, he never forgot about him.

~~Present time~~

Third Person POV

"Germany! I'm so tired! Can we take a break and eat something?" Italy whined for about the five hundredth time.

"Fine, fine. Let's go to a nearby coffee shop. Don't order too much though." Germany gave in.

The two walked in line when they got there. When it got to their turn, Italy ordered a panini and Germany ordered a salad. While they were eating, Italy took the receipt and froze when he read the date. August 6. Italy dropped his panini.

"Is something wrong Italy?" Germany asked.

"A-A-Aug-gust si-sixth..." Italy stuttered, on the verge of tears.

Germany was confused. What was so important about August 6 that made Italy so sad?

"I'm j-just g-going to g-go home now." Italy muttered and left without finishing his panini.

'Maybe something when Italy was small. I'll go ask Prussia since he's old and he should know.' Germany thought.

Germany finished his salad and threw it away in the trash. After he drove to Prussia's house. He knocked on the door politely and Prussia answered and let him in. Prussia handed Germany a beer and they sat on the couch.

"What's up West? You never visit the awesome Prussia anymore!" Prussia questioned.

"Well, I was with Italy this morning and we went to a coffee shop. When he saw the date on the receipt, he froze up and ran away. Is anything special about August 6?" Germany asked.

Prussia's jaw dropped.

"It's August 6?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't be?"

"And he didn't know until he checked?"

"No, he didn't. Can you tell me why he freaked out?"

Prussia sighed and started his story.

"Way back in the 900's, Italy loved this boy called Holy Roman Empire. They both lived in Austria's house and they hung out together all the time. One day Holy Rome had to go to war. Italy gave him a push broom to him as a goodbye present and he gave Italy a kiss. He promised to be back for Italy but he died on August 6. After France told Italy this, he cried endlessly and picked flowers for him every August 6. He would plan it two weeks before so he wouldn't mess anything up. Every time he would give a different type of flowers and in the middle of the bouquet, it would be a sunflower because it was the colours of his flag. So since Italy is more upset than every other August 6, he must've forgotten to order the flowers. It scares him that if he does that, he would soon forget about Holy Rome. Oh by the way, Holy Rome is our older broha." Prussia rambled.

Germany was astonished. How come he never knew? Why didn't Italy tell him that he loved someone and that they died?

"Wow.. I didn't know that I had another brother. I'm going to go calm Italy down." Germany muttered. He said goodbye to Prussia and left to find Italy. He knocked on Italy's door. Romano opened it. He could hear Italy's voice crying upstairs.

"What do you want?" Romano asked grumpily.

"I want to see Italy."

"He's a bit busy."

"I'll try to calm him down."

"It's useless, but sure. Just don't upset him more. My ears are sore." Romano complained, though he cared for Italy.

Germany walked up their stairs and knocked on Italy's bedroom door.

"Italy? It's Germany. I know what happened. Can I talk to you?"

Italy slowly opened the door. His eyes were red and swollen and tears dripped from his face. Germany led him to a park and started talking.

"So you forgot to give your love flowers, right?"

Italy nodded.

"It's all right, I'm sure he still loves you."

"B-but, I forgot the flowers! That means I'll forget about him!" Italy protested.

"Your memory doesn't rely on some flowers, it relies on how much you love him, and you love him a lot." Germany assured him.

"Y-you're right." Italy looked up at Germany and started crying again.

"What's wrong now?!" Germany asked worriedly.

"I-It's just that y-you look so much like him!" Italy cried.

Germany gasped. "I'm sorry."

"N-no it's not your fault. I'm just a big crybaby. Don't worry about me." Italy smiled and stopped crying.

???'s POV (It's a bit obvious but whatever xD)

'Who is that man who looks so much like me? And who is he with? He looks a lot like Italy, but Italy's a girl.' I thought and peeked from a little alleyway close to the park. I stepped a bit closer, but not to close. I didn't want anyone recognizing me because they'd probably just kill me since I was still a bit weak from the battle.

"....miss him so much...." I heard from the Italy-like man.

".....It's okay Italy..." the man who looked like me assured him.

What? He is Italy?! So... I'm in love with a man? Well, that doesn't matter. Wait, do they think I'm dead?

Italy and the other man started walking somewhere so I secretly followed them. They stopped in front of a gravestone in a graveyard. I could see that it was decorated in many types of flowers and jewels. Italy placed a single sunflower down beside the other flowers and they walked into a pizza shop. Once they left, I went to check the grave out. My jaw dropped when I saw who it was.

Rest in Peace

Holy Roman Empire


A friend, a lover and a brother

He will be remembered

If Holy Rome Survived |A HRE x Italy Short Story Thing|Where stories live. Discover now