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We walk swiftly through corridors toward the ship's interior where the Command Decks are located, crossing over into the Blue Quadrant.

Aeson Kassiopei periodically talks into his small wrist comm in Atlantean.

When we're just a few corridors away from the hub with the CCO, we pause. The CP touches a small section of paneling on the wall and calls up a display console. We stand and watch as he enters codes and a multi-screen mini-display comes alive. Surveillance images of the hallways around the CCO show two dead guards at the doors and three masked operatives standing with weapons. Another surveillance scene shows the interior of the CCO itself, where two masked individuals occupy the CP's own desk. Mech arms are supporting several monitors as they peer into them. One person is keying something into a console.

"If they've figured out how to use your general surveillance network and broken through even the lowest security levels, they can probably see us now, out here," Logan says in a low voice.

"Assume it is so," Aeson replies coldly. "It is likely they've also seen what happened in the meal hall, so there will not be an element of surprise. For the moment I've disabled the highest security access from the CCO, so at least they won't be able to affect the vulnerable ship systems from there."

"Are these Earth Union?" I whisper, standing next to Logan.

"Most certainly," Logan replies. "Notice their body positions and well-coordinated movements. Terra Patria was a disorganized mess. I'm sorry to say, my fellow EU ops are real military and far better trained."

"Is there a way to talk to them, maybe get them to recognize what's really going on?"

Aeson Kassiopei glances at me suddenly. "Lark," he says. "You need to be somewhere else. I want you to turn around and return to the Yellow Quadrant and go directly to the medical deck. Then get back to your personal quarters, lock your door, and stay there."

"I—I mean, okay." I blink tiredly. He's right, I'm not sure why I'm here exactly. This is kind of crazy. I have a concussion. I've just been in a hostage situation. And now I am surrounded by a bunch of military guys—Logan included—and taking part in a high security operation to retake the Central Command Office? WTF?

"Too late, she can't go back, at least not down that same hallway. They're coming this way." Logan points to a display of another corridor juncture, where half a dozen more masked terrorists are moving in a disorderly fashion but quickly, weapons drawn. Apparently Earth Union got more Terra Patria members involved. Or maybe these are yet another group of foolish teen rebels. At this point, who the hell knows?

My head hurts. It really hurts now. I definitely have a concussion.

"Not a problem. This ship's security patrols will soon be after them, cutting them off from behind," Aeson says. "But meanwhile they can do some potential damage here. So we need to keep moving." He then talks through his wrist comm again, and starts to walk, taking a turn at the next corridor junction.

Again, we all follow.

* * *

We pause a few minutes later, and I lean against the wall tiredly and watch the guards and the CP talk among themselves. We learn meanwhile, that similar hostage operations have taken place at all the four Imperial Command Ships.

"The flagship is safe. Commander Resoi's forces have isolated and captured the Earth Union operatives there," Aeson Kassiopei remarks to Logan, and glances at me casually. "Less fortunately, the situation at ICS-4 is not so good. Command Pilot Quarar Ritazet is one of the hostages. Now, tell me again, Sangre, what specific initial demands can we expect from your people?"

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