Chapter One

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"Josh! Wake up, you're gonna be late!" My mother called up from the bottom of the staircase. I sighed. I hated when the new school year starts, it's always so awkward, my friends always seem to think I changed somewhat over the summer. My friends from previous years used to hassle me about my social anxiety, it's not fun to have, I'll tell you that. Most people just assume you're super shy and expect you to open up if they talk to you enough, that's not the case. I'm always worried I'm gonna screw something up and say the wrong thing to someone and then they'll maybe start thinking 'what a loser' or something like that. The worst part is when teachers call on you randomly in class, I'm always afraid of giving the wrong answer and everyone laughing. I've seen it happen in my past few years of high school, it's harsh, it just depends on what kind of people you have in your classes.

I finished up getting ready and rushed down the stairs. I didn't want to be late on the first day, could you imagine what people would think? "Ready, Josh?" My mom said grabbing the keys for my car. I got quite a few part-time jobs to get that thing and my family members use it whenever they want to, it seems. I'm totally okay with it. Totally. The ride was quite short, I felt a little nervous as I got out my car and waved to my mom a goodbye. I walked over to my small group of friends. We weren't super popular or anything, but I'm okay with that, as long as I have trustworthy friends, you know? "Hey, there he is!" My friend Pete shouted, his arm around my other friend Patrick. I waved awkwardly. "Long time, no see, Josh!" Pete grinned at me. I laughed. "Nice to see you too, Pete." My lips curled into a small smile, this was really the only 'good' part about going to school. Brendon was laughing along with Patrick. "Hey, Josh!" They said in unison as they both gave me goofy grins. I felt quite happy to see them again, after all, I was out of town with my family the whole summer, I didn't even really get a chance to play the drums. It wasn't long before that ridiculously loud bell went off once again and crowds went flooding back into the dreaded place, I mean I didn't think school was that bad, except for the people, I guess. 

I was putting away my binders and other school supplies in my new locker, as Tyler and a very pretty girl walked by, I've seen her around quite a bit, but I haven't worked up the guts to even talk to her yet. Tyler smiled and paused. "Nice to see you, Josh!" I greeted him back the usual 'nice to see you too'. Tyler was actually quite popular and he was, well is, amazing at basketball. At least that's what I've heard. I don't see why he'd ever talk to me outside of music class, wouldn't people think that's strange or something? It's really up to him to decide on who he talks to, I guess. The girl smiled at me. "Hi, I'm (y/n), nice to meet you!" Her voice was very soft, it was like music to my ears. I smiled back. "Uh, I'm Josh, you probably already know that." I said awkwardly. "Tyler, how did you and Josh meet?" She asked. I was now staring at her. Her beautiful (h/l), (h/c) made her absolutely gorgeous (e/c) eyes stand out even more. I didn't even think I'd ever meet a girl this attractive in so many ways, to be honest. "We've been in each other's homerooms for sometime now!" He lied, we met in music class, he had an insanely nice voice for a basketball player. My friends, Pete, Patrick and Brendon, who are also in music with Tyler and I, think it's a little odd for someone like him to be in that class, but I can totally see why. Sometimes I stay after school, on days we have that class last period of course, and he occasionally does too, if he doesn't have a basketball practice or whatever, but anyways back to what I was trying to explain, sometimes I hear him singing Dixie Chicks' songs and once again his voice is crazy good. "O-oh, yeah, we met through homeroom." I went along with the lie. "Well, we probably should be finishing up putting things in our locker, Tyler told me he wanted to meet you. See you in homeroom!" (Y/n) grinned at me before her and Tyler left to finish up their lockers. 

I was seriously stunned stunned at how sweet (y/n) was though, at this point I think I'm developing somewhat of a crush on her even though we literally just met. I think that's normal. Just look at Pete and Patrick, they've been in a relationship for quite a while now, I think it's kind of cute in a way. I just wish a girl would like me back, or would be somewhat easier to talk to like (y/n) was. I sat in homeroom, thinking about her the whole time. I watched her, not to sound super creepy or anything, laugh along with Tyler and another group of people. I take it that she's also quite popular.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2015 ⏰

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