Nan Wars

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Nan Wars Chapter 1

Bang clink clink boom!Take that take this and that and this and this.Rodrick:Okay this is insane my nan vs my friends nan in a battle and so far they are chucking false teath and using canes as swords,but you probably want to know what the cane bashing reason why this has even started.Okay I'll lay it on you.

Rodrick:It all started one morning at school my BFF/FBB Mitch bragged his nan is like pro and dangerous when it comes to close combat.Basically he goes on about this every day at school so I walked up to him in the lunch break while he was bragging of course.Then I yelled 'Yo Mitch mah nan is the latest combat technology in the nan era'.Of course like Mitch he can't keep his trap shut and he yelled back.'Okay my nan vs your nan at Gansta ally'.Wel it wasn't hard to get my nan because she has always wanted to fight.When I got there Mitch's nan was there with Mitch I was there too and then me and Mitch counted down.'1 2 3 GO!'.They started charging at each other I was surprised they were going faster than the speed of turtle,but the draw back was every 11 steps they took they had to wait 4 seconds for breath.I thought this was the fight of the century,but I was wrong.

Bang clink clink boom!Take that take this and that and this and this.Rodrick:Here we are again .

Bam!Boom! suddenly Mitch's nan drinks a bottle of steroids and goes all buff pounds of muscle grow and then before you know her skin ain't rinkly no more and becomes some sort of super nan.Rodrick's nan grabs out a sniper based weapn and all goes to hell.Mitch's nan on the ground Rodrick's nan standing with her weapon the gansta nan in the ally.Rodrick and Mitch:'Holy crap runZ people runZ'.

Gansta:'Yo street fight that was some good shizz BTW mah names is G nan so any ways I just got to say that good!I think you should join the nan fighting tournament'.Rodrick:'That sounds awesome I think my nan will say yes that right nan!'.nan:'Hell yeah'!While shooting the weapon at the sky.

G nan:'See you in 2 months'Rodrick:'Bye'

All's well ends well at BP's oil spill dosen't aplly for Mitch Dah End


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