Nan Wars Training Season

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Nan Wars chapter 2

Rodrick's nan and we should give her a name because it's boring to write Rodick's nan her name Sonnya.

So Sonya is training in a training room with sand bags,rocks and speed bags.Rodrick's mind:Man oh man I did offer some steroids but she said no and wanted to be a good sport.Mitch:'Rodrick you should just force feed her some steroids because she has 2 knuckles already'.So sonnya is punching up a storm with punches 10Xstronger then baby punches.Sonnya:'huff puff huff puf huff pffrrtt sorry I farted just then'RodrickMitch:'EWWWWWWW'.THUMP!Rodrick:'nan what have been eating lately'.Sonnya:'Avaocado soup'.Rodrick Mitch:'say what'.Sonnya:'Bazinga'.

1 week later

 Rodrick&Mitch:'Holy CRAP buff nan'.Rodricks mind:I'am stumped nan is totally buff no rinkles tuff skin'.Sonnya is still punching away on the sand bags destroying rocks.Rodrick:'wow your allowed head gear weapons etc'.Sonnya:'hehhehehe >:D'.Sonnya grabs a nuclear selfdestruction bomb and ties it to her back.Sonnya:'Do ya think I can win '.Rodrick:yes?Sonnya:'Gimme the steroids'.

Rodrick:'sure'?  1 week later

Sonnya came dashing in and almost demolished a toy car the size of a tooth.Sonnya:'Hello where are you'!???:'here if you think you want to win you  need to use will force but,I must see your strength so if you win you can learn it'


book 1-2 completed! congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2011 ⏰

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