Philosophy #1

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Adults. Okay, so if you know me irl, you know that I'm horrible with adults. I don't want to talk to them or anything and I avoid them as much as possible and mostly hang out with kids (hence my immaturity I guess; and it can't be any kid cuz I hate children too, it has to be either my cousins or a close friend) This is my way of understanding things, so let me explain why I'm like this with adults. First off, adults have so much power. They think they can do whatever they want with their power, and most of the time, the power they possess has a huge impact on our individual lives. Everyone believes adults just because they're supposedly "older and wiser," but that's complete bs to me. Not every adult is wise and some of them aren't even as smart as some kids or teens are. Age doesn't even matter to me, and this fact is one reason why. (I will discuss this age thing and everything else in other entries.) 

One example. Let's say you're hanging out with your friend or whatever and all of a sudden you do something stupid. The adults witness that and then tell your parents, and you try to explain to your parents that it was a mistake but they don't believe you because who would believe a kid over an adult? Adults have the power to ground us, to prevent us with hanging out with someone, and much more. I don't trust adults much, as most of them abuse their power. That's why, in conclusion, I try to keep everything from them a secret and avoid any contact with them because one wrong move could change something forever.

Here's a personal experience. When I was eight years old, I visited India to see my grandparents and other relatives. I was a total prankster at that age and I did the craziest things. So, at each house I went to, I played pranks and they didn't notice until after I left their house. My grandparents got so many phone calls those two months about them complaining. But, here's the thing. Instead of getting me in trouble, they blamed everything on my mom. They thought she had bad parenting and that's why I became this way, which made me furious. My mother doesn't control my life completely, because I do some, if not a lot of things on my own. Adults don't understand that kids have a mind of their own and they're not dogs to follow exactly what their parents tell them. We are our own people, with our own thoughts, feelings, and personalities. Sure, adults guide us towards the right path and influence our decisions but you are still your own person. 

Connection. If you've read The Fault in Our Stars, you'll know this reference. Remember that part where Augustus Waters had this metaphor where you put the cigarette, the thing that can kill you, between your teeth but you don't give it the power to kill you by lighting it? Well I love that metaphor and I think it's sufficient to use here. Since adults have so much power, you shouldn't be too careless or reckless in what you tell them or show them. I'd keep a lot of things to myself unless it's an adult I trust (like my close relatives and my parents). You have to be 100% sure that the adult won't abuse their power and use it against you. That's why you don't give them the power to do their 'killing.'

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