Chess-Part 2 (End)

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"Well that sucked," Ron muttered as he climbed up the steps to the Gryffindor tower. He glared at the dust cloud that was Artemis' car leaving the school. How did they manage to get a car inside Hogwarts anyways? He would have asked Hermione, but she was too busy talking to him about some things he should have done in the match.

" do realize that you could have taken his rook with your knight, instead of moving your bishop? Then you wouldn't have lost your queen-"

"Hermione I KNOW! I should have done this, I should have done that. But it's over, alright, IT'S OVER AND I LOST AND THAT'S THE END OF THE STORY!" Ron shouted at the top of his lungs. Fortunately, only he and Hermione were on the stairs, so no one else could hear him.

Hermione blinked several tears out of her eyes. "I-I'm sorry Ron. I was just carried away." She held his hand and led him up to the dorms. "Come on, everyone's waiting."

When the doors of the Common Room opened, Ron expected everyone's faces to be glum, looking down on him for his failure. Instead, the room was full of cheering students. Banners and posters were draped all over the room, bearing the words: at least you tried. An enchanted fireworks display boasted the message as well. It seemed that a party had been thrown in his honor.

"I put Fred and George up to it. They got all the stuff we needed." Harry suddenly appeared by his side, holding a platter of cupcakes. "Want one?" he asked Ron and Hermione, offering them the cupcakes.

"Harry-how? Why?" Ron managed to stammer. Hermione smiled at them and went to talk with Ginny, who was calling her over from the other side of the room.

"Me, Fred, George and Lee told McGonagall that we had to use the bathroom during the match. During separate times, obviously. Anyways, she didn't seem to mind at all. I think she was too focused on the game," Harry said. "And why-because you've spent way too long living through others' celebrations. It's time you get yours."

Ron blushed. This was much more than he asked for. He'd have to apologize to Hermione for yelling at her. "Thanks, Harry," he said with a grin.

"Uh, Ron?" a voice called behind him. Neville was standing there with a folded piece of paper in hand. "The Muggle boy-Artemis-he told me to give this to you. And he said that if you asked why he couldn't give it to you in person, it's because you stalked out of the hall right when he won, and he didn't bother chasing after you."

Ron thanked Neville and opened up the note. It read: To Mr. Weasley: Very well done on the match. I must admit, that was the closest anyone has come to have ever beaten me. If you would like, feel free to come over to my manor for a rematch. That would be very interesting, don't you say? If you would like, call the number on the back of this paper. I will arrange for a transport to pick you up. Sincerely, Artemis Fowl.

Ron smirked. He was glad that Harry had taught him how to use a-what were those things called again? A telephone. "Your move, Artemis Fowl," he muttered, heading over to join the party.

Chess (A Harry Potter/Artemis Fowl crossover)Where stories live. Discover now