Chapter 8

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Hello everyone I love that you all are reading my story. Keep the votes coming you can message me anytime.Just so you know Sanna name is pronounced as (SAH-NAH) in case anyone was wondering.

My ears were deceiving me. "Sanna are you listening sweetheart?" My dad asks. His tone softened every time he spoke about him being a werewolf, the pack, and how my best friend has been a wolf. That's the best part of it all, my best friend who knew me better than anyone was a fucking wolf. I stared between my dad, Pacer, and Archer. Archer just held his head down low like he's looking for Narnia threw the empty plate. "Maybe it's too soon to put all this information on her" Archer finally speaks and I glare at him. "Sure now you want to be considerate, a little too late for that Archer." I snap and Archer stared at me with apologetic eyes. "Sanna don't talk to him like that, it's not his fault he couldn't disobey me!" My father yelled at me. I started to yell back but my father interrupted me. "Why don't you think you can't disobey me it's not because I'm your father, it's the power I have over all of you. Whatever I say goes. He couldn't just tell you because his genes won't let him. If you want to be mad be mad at me. I'm the only one that could tell you about who you really are." He glared at Pacer as he said the last part. Whoa what was that about. "I think Archer is right this is way too much for me to handle. I'm going out for a swim" I say attempting to walk away from them, but my legs wouldn't move. My dad was staring at me intensely and I begin to feel overwhelmed by his stare. "Sheriff let her go relax her mind, plus we still have business to do. I'll go call the guys." Pacer spoke up and my dad began to slowly stop staring at me. "Okay, but Sanna we are not done we still have more to talk about." I nodded in response and Pacer winked at me as they exited the kitchen. I ran outside and jumped straight into my pool, without no bathing suit.

I didn't even care that I was wearing a white graphic tank top and some baggy sweats. My body immediately felt light as I hit the water. I felt so good swimming and letting my hair on the water. Too much was going through my head. My best friend was a wolf and he couldn't tell me because of some weird hold my dad has on him.
I closed my eyes like I always do and let the water take over I become light as air when I'm in the water. I let my wildest thoughts play out in my brain. I was oblivious to Archer standing in the doorway watching me. I felt the heat of his eyes on my back "staring at me is not going to make me forgive you"! I shout. I hear Archer sigh and I turn to face him. "I'm so sorry Sanna, you know your my best friend. I would never do something to hurt you or our friendship. I should've told you the truth, about us but your dad is the Alpha." I stare at him and I can see his sad expression on his face, I'm not letting him get off that easy. "How long did you think it was going to take me to find out. When were you ever going to tell me? Was our whole friendship built on a lie? I had to find out from a stranger that my life is not as human as I would like it to be!!" Archer flinches at my words but he quickly recovers looking at me intensely. "You know me better than anyone, it was so hard keeping this from you. There were times I had to lie to you because I was hunting with your father. Our friendship was realer than anything. I just couldn't tell you who we are." We does that mean I'm one too? I don't change into one. I'm definitely not hairy. Archer starts to laugh, "what's so funny?". "I'm sorry it's just your probably thinking about if you are a wolf. You don't have to be hairy to be considered a werewolf." He laughs out making me scowl, they can read minds, I think to myself. "That's only because you can read minds" I mumbled under my breath. Archer starts to chuckle lowly and I realized I said that out loud. "No I just know my best friend. I love her and would do anything to protect her." I smiled at his words. "Since you know me what am I thinking huh," he gives me a questionable look. "You are thinking about forgiving me and making me food", Archer shows me his best kodak smile. "Awwe, come here Archer" I cooed. Archer scooted over to the edge of the pool as I started to submerge from the water. I gently placed my hand on top of his. I then felt little shock waves on my hand as I touched him. What the hell. Archer face softens and I knew he felt it too. I take this opportunity and pulled him into the cool water. "Ugh Sanna I should've known I wasn't forgiven!" he yells and I can't stop laughing. "Now your forgiven my friend" I say in between laughs. "You think its funny?". Archer grabs me by my waist in the air and slammed me in the water. "Oh I'm so going to kick your ass" I yell trying to drag him underneath with me. We both just ended up laughing until Archer moves a piece of hair out of my eye and I feel those same shocks again. "Archer what was th-" I was immediately cut off by Pacer. "What the hell is going on? I see you too have no problem reconnecting" Pacer spat. Both Archer and I flinch at his words and got out the water. "He is my best friend so I'm entitled to treat him any way I want" I snap back at him. "I'm going to go change Sanna I'll be back", Archer says looking at Pacer. If looks can kill.

"Archer your clothes are in my room go ahead and change and don't hog all the hot water" I yelled after him. "Why is his clothes in your room?" Pacer's tone was pissing me off. "First of all he is my best friend and of course he has clothes here that's called being a good friend." I spat at him looking directly in his eyes. I wanted to smack him. "Figures anyways get dressed in proper clothes we are having guest" he eyed me down and walked away with a disgusted look. What the hell did I do?

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