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Bonds are formed

From the time you are born

But do not end

Even when you die

As a baby; mum & dad

As a kid; siblings & cousins

As a teen; teachers & friends

As a adult; the society

Out of all these

A very special one

Which everyone seems to have

According to them

Parental, siblings, relatives

Teachers, society 

Are million variations

Among them is friendship

Many things have been told & written

In songs, movies, quotes and text

But has it really been presented

Is what I wonder

The gold among all silver ; friendship

Everyone says they have it

But does anyone out there know a true friend

Is a true friend and know what a friendship means

Gender & age doesn't matter

Face & colour doesn't matter

Talent & wealth doesn't matter

In a ship where friends travel

Understanding without words

Knowing without telling

Caring and loving willingly

Is a friend

Helping them even when they say no

With them when they ignore

Loving them when they hate

Is friendship

How many have this

How many are this

Search deep inside 

Answer will surface

Who have found the answer

Its a treasure

Which never gets destroyed or lost

This  can exist in heaven as well

For those with no answer its empathy

This something which can't be bought

Since each friend and the journey in the ship is different

Always a true friend always true friendship

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