making up?

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Hermione was a very patient women but sometimes she felt like everything was out of her control. Such as now. Harry and Ginny were debating over who is the most popular when just two minutes ago they were making up. She glanced at Ron who was red in the face. It was quite funny that overprotective Ron wants his sister with his best friend. Yet Hermione wished they would just get together, the tension was killing her.
"Harry James Potter I did not date dean to get over you" Hermione turned pale. nobody ever said that to her face, not unless they want a death wish. Harry smirked.
"He hurt you, maybe that's why you stayed with him." Everyone missed the grimace on harry's face and the smile on Ginny's. The girl stood still, as though she was shocked.
"At least my ex didnt't betray me to umbridge" Harry smiled. He turned away and stormed out of the common room as Ginny followed.
As Harry walked into the restricted section of the library he fell to the floor. Ginny sat next to him. They sighed.
"Can't we stop with this, I just want to be abe to tell everyone we are dating" Ginny sighed.
"I do to, they began meddling with us besides its not like no one knows." Harry laughed.
"Yeah your parents reactions were pretty funny, still shocked their going along with the plan though" Ginny shook her head.
"Harry, next week is the Christmas holidays, we'll become friends by then and if it becomes too much.... we'll get together publicly." Harry nodded then leaned up and kissed her softly.
"I love you gin"
"Love you too Harry"

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