Separation/ omg what now?

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Ginny was getting increasingly frustrated, all she wanted to do was kiss him and snuggle up to him but no, Hinny club had somehow separated them and she was going through 'harry withdrawel', As such she was considering stunning Hermione and going to find her boyfriend but that would give them away. So she listened to her best friend witter away the time.  It wasn't until later that Ginny managed to drag harry into a broom closet and kissed him to within an inch of his life. Hary for his part didn't complain and kissed her back with vigour.
"Not that I mind but why are you viciously assaulting my lips?" she scowled at him, reminding him of just how scary she was.
"They went to far Harry, I mean separating us, really? I think it's time that we came clean!" Harry laughed at her.
"I couldn't agree more but let's have some fun with it!" and then Harry told Ginny his plan.

                                    When Ron and Hermione decided to stalk Harry and Ginny they did not expect or their ;ives to change as drastically as it did. It all started when Harry grabbed Ginny's arm and began talking raidly.
"Ginny... look I know you love me but you can't be with me!" Ginny began to cry
"Why the hell not, we kissed and you admitted you have loved me since Cho So why?" Harry looked down. He wanted to try and make this as believable as possible for his two favourite spectators.
"Ginny... i'm dying. I mean very slowly it's going to get to the point where I won't function at all and I won't put you through that!" Ginny laughed manically and traced a finger from his hair to his chin.
"Harry I love you, I love you more than I've loved anybody and if being with you means I will eventually have to let you go then I will stay with you and have you die in my arms!" both Harry and Ginny had to stop themselves from snickering as Hermione gasped.

                          Ginny pulled harry and placed a kiss on his lips before dragging him up to the castle.

             Hermione turned to ron in shock.
"We... we can't lose him Ron!" Ron didn't say anything, he just pulled her into a hug.

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