Chapter 2

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Terra and I compared schedules and we had almost every class together. Our lockers weren't really close, but at least i'll have someone to talk to in class. Once everyone got their combos, we all went to our lockers, and then to homeroom. Terra and I sat next to each other I started talking to her about Grayson.

"Dude did you SEE him? He's so hot" I was like fangirling over him oh my god.

"Uh yeah, he's super cute. He seemed pretty interested in you when you dropped that notebook."

"No... I doubt he likes me. I mean we JUST met, and i'm sure every girl in this school is after him. He has so many pretty girls who would love to date him, he wouldn't be into me."

"Wait, isnt that him?" Terra asked pointing to the door. I was kind of confused because he looked like Grayson but he was wearing different clothes. Why would he change... doesnt make sense but whatever. He walked towards me and sat at the table next to mine. I looked over and smiled, tucking my hair behind my ear and shyly waved. He smiled back and said

"Hey, i'm Ethan. You new?" Ethan...? what? This kid looks just like Grayson.

"Yeah i am... Wait, your'e not Grayson? You two look a lot alike...?"

"Haha no, I get that a lot though. I'm his twin brother." TWINS? THERE'S TWO OF THEM?

"Oh really? Wow. Well hi i'm Maddy, just moved here from Rhode Island."

"Hi Maddy" He laughed.

"Oh Ethan this is my friend Terra, she's new too." I glanced over at Terra and winked at her. I could tell she was interested in him. They introduced themselves and chatted until our teacher started going over rules and dress code and all that stuff. After she was done, the bell rung and we all went to our first period classes. I had Geometry first with Terra. We walked in, and sat down. Ethan had this class too and him and Terra couldn't stop talking. They seemed really into each other which is super cute. I kept thinking about Grayson still. I was snapped out of my thoughts once again by a reprimanding teacher trying to get my attention. About 5 minutes into class I heard the door open. It was Grayson, and I couldn't help but be a little excited we had a class together. The teacher seemed a little less excited...

"Mr. Dolan why are you late to my class?" Mrs. Wahl seemed like she was used to this.

"I'm here now aren't I?" he said in a cocky tone shrugging his shoulders. I heard Mrs. Wahl let out an "ugh." I tried not to stare so I pretended to be paying attention to the lesson. I could see him walking my way out of the corner of my eye, but I tried to play it off ok. I heard him pull out a chair, and it was right next to me. The seat was empty because Terra wanted to sit with Ethan. I nonchalantly looked over and gave him a small smile. He smirked back at me.

"Hey again, Cutie" he leaned over and whispered in my ear. His breath lefts chills on my skin. I mouthed back hey. I got butterflies whenever I was near him. The whole class I could feel his eyes on me, I didn't even have to look to know he was staring. Class finally ended after what felt like an eternity. I got up and walked towards the door with Terra. I looked back and Grayson was right behind me. He gave me a flirty smile. I gave him one in return. Why did he have such an effect on me?

I went to my locker to get my stuff for chem. When I shut my locker I jumped, Grayson was leaning on the locker next to mine.

"um, hi" I said awkwardly

"Hey cutie. Maddy right?" He said seductively. I nodded my head.

"Well I uh, have to um... get t-to class now" I was so nervous. I went to walk away but of course being the cluts I am, slipped. I fell back but I didn't meet the floor. I felt hands around my waist, holding onto me for a second, then pulling me up. It was Grayson. Of course. We were nose to nose, and my breathing got heavy.

"Be careful, princess" He whispered, never breaking eye contact. I didn't say anything, I just stared at him. He let go, and handed me a pencil i'd dropped. He smirked at me again then walked away. Did that really just happen?"

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