Chapter 16

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*Grayson's POV*

"AHUHUHUH" Maddy woke me up out of a dead sleep. She sat up breathing heavy, and was crying.

"Woa woa babe, babe! What's wrong?" I said rubbing her back.

"T-the b-babies go-gone..." She mumbled between sobs holding her stomach.

"Babe what are you talking about?"

"We w-went to the d-doctors... r-emember? We l-lost the ba-" She cut herself off crying.

*Madison's POV*

"Baby... we didn't go to the doctors yet.... "

"W-what...?" I said wiping the hysterical tears from my eyes.

He pulled me into his arms, swaying me slowly.

"Baby it was just a bad dream... It was just a bad dream." 

It was just a dream... it was just a dream. I said it over and over. I didn't lose my baby, I still had peanut. I wanted to cry even more in relief. It seemed so real... it was the biggest pain i'd ever felt. It made me a little uneasy about the doctors appointment, tho. Was it a sign... I hope everythings ok.

Gray squeezed me tight in reassurance. 

"Thank god..." I whispered under my breath. After we snuggled for a while and he finally calmed me down, we got ready for our actual doctors appointment. I threw on sweats and grabbed a granola bar for the car. I rested my head on the window as we drove. Gray put his hand on my thigh and rubbed his thumb back and forth, I put my hand on his and gripped it. He was such a comfort to me, it was a quality of his I'd never understood. 

We pulled into the doctors after about a twenty minute drive. I huffed and got out of the car. I anxiously waited for my name to be called, and when it was, Grayson gripped my hand and kissed the side of my head. We walked in together, and he shut the door behind him. I laid down in the big chair and lifted up my shirt as the nurse gelled my stomach. 

"So Madison, why did you want to come in today? Everything alright?" I had to lie, so I just made something believable up.

"I uh, I slipped on some ice. We always forget to salt down the driveway." I gave her a weak smile and glanced at Grayson. I held his hand as she began checking on the baby.

A few minutes of silence went by and I grew more and more nervous. I can't go through that again... Being just a dream, it felt so real. I can't imagine if my baby was really gone. I'd fall apart.

After another five minutes she finally spoke,
"So Miss Mullins, Mr Dolan... You're baby is perfectly fine."

I let out a HUGE sigh, and a smile spread across Grayson and I's face.

"But, your uterus is slightly bruised, and has some slight swelling, so I suggest sitting on some ice so you can heal up. But other than that, you should be in good shape." She smiled at me and cleaned everything up." 

"Thank you so much." Grayson stood up and hugged me tight.

"I'm so glad you and the baby are ok." He said into my messy hair.

"So am I..." We walked back to the car hand in hand and drove home. When we pulled up, there was another car i'd never seen in the driveway.

"Gray who's car is that? Ethan's still at Terra's, Cam and Mom are in New York.... Who else would be here?" His face went blank and he got really white.

"Shit." He whispered under his breath.

"What, What's wrong" I looked at him confused.

"It's my dad. He must me home early from his business trip in Wisconsin." Shit was right. He still didn't know about the baby, and I didn't know how he'd take the news.

"It'l be okay... C'mon, he's met me before, we got a long really nice and he seems very understanding." I got out of the car and he followed. I held out my hand and raised my eyebrows at him. He took it and we walked in the front door.

"Son! How are ya bud!?" His dad came running around the corner and bro hugged him. I stood there awkwardly trying my best to hide my growing stomach.

"Hey dad i'm good... Home early I see...." 

"Yeah man, a few of my meetings got dropped so I thought id come home!" He stopped for a second and quickly noticed I was there.

"Oh hey Maddy! How are you?" He gave me a quick hug and smiled at me. 

"Hey Mr. Dolan, I'm good. How was Wisconsin."

"Well. It's Wisconsin haha. And please, call me Sean." He laughed at himself and I gave him a faint smile.

"Hey dad... Can we talk to you for a sec?" Gray said fiddling with his knuckles. Mr. Dolan nodded and we sat down on the couch.

"So what's up kids?"

"Well... for starters, Maddy kinda lives with us now..." His eyes widened in surprise.

"Oh... why is that?" He glanced at me.

"My um... My mom kicked me out..." I said quietly, scratching my arm.

"Kicked you out? But you're such a great kid. Why'd she do that?" I looked at Grayson hesitantly.

"Dad... Maddy's... Uh.." Sean's eyes widened and he looked back and forth between us waiting for and answer. 

"I'm... I'm pregnant, sir." His eyebrows shot up, and his back straightened from his previously slouched position. 

"P-pregnant?" He stuttered. I nodded looking down.

"Dad, please don' t be mad. Mom and everyone already know and everything's fine."

He took a deep breath and scratched the back of his neck.

"Look guys, I'm not thrilled about this... I'm very dissapointed in the both of you, you should've known better as to using correct protection." We got very uncomfortable, very fast.

"But, I'm not gonna throw a tantrum because were will that get us? I understand things must be hard on you right now, so I'll do my best to help you get through this. And Maddy you're more than welcome to call me dad or anything you want." He smiled and I got up to hug him. What would I do without this family? Well, my family now.


A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the shorter update, It's been a crazy day plus I have school tomorrow. Hope you liked this chapter! 


Also two random questions for you guys :D
1. Who do you imagine Maddy looking like? (Just curious lol)
2. Do you think the baby's gonna be a boy, or a girl?????
leave a comment :)

Love M

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