Chapter 25

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*Madison's POV*

It's been 6 entire hours since Juliana was born. No word from the doctor. And I'm sitting here with empty arms in a hospital bed. The only thing putting the slightest smile on my face is that I just realized Jules was born the same day as Grayson... It's about six am, the baby was born at 12:01 am, December 16, 2015, wow. I know this wasn't the birthday he was expecting, but that's pretty special to me. If she makes it, which god help me... if she doesn't, I don't even want that thought to cross my mind, but if she does, she is absolutely the best gift either of us could ever ask for. Everyone's asleep right now, but I can't even try to. I'm too worried, so I decided to write a letter to my daughter. I'd been making a baby book for her birth certificate, footprints, pictures, first haircut, first tooth, etc. So I thought this was worthy to go in there, for her to look back on when she's old enough. I pulled out a journal I kept with me, and a pen on my nightstand, and wrote;

Hi my precious girl,
It's your mommy. So, today... at 12:01 am, December 16, 2015, you were born into our little world, also your Daddy's birthday. My precious baby girl is finally here. I guess my belly just wasn't cutting it for you, so you decided to wiggle out a little early. I wish you were in my arms right now, with me and daddy... The doctors are taking care of you right now, because you're too little. We haven't seen you in a few hours, it's six am right now, and I'm waiting for the moment daddy and I can finally see you. I know you're gonna be okay... My baby girl is tough like her daddy. Don't you worry, we'll be there soon, but until we are we're watching over you, and we can't stop talking about you. You're uncle Ethan and Aunt Terra can't wait to meet you. And Auntie Cam just got the news and she cried. She's at college right now, but she's driving out next week just to meet you. You mean so much to us Juliana, please stay strong for me and daddy, baby. We're waiting for you. I love you,

Love, Mommy. 12/16/15.

I wiped away a tear that fell down my cheek as I finished writing. I tore out the piece of paper and slid into the next page of Juliana's book. I began looking through it since no one had woken up yet. We didn't have much yet, except for our weekly progress pictures. Every week since Grayson and I knew we were pregnant we took a picture. Crazy looking at the difference, you never really notice how much you grow since you see yourself everyday. There was also some pictures of Juliana's nursery, we just finished it a few days ago. Light gray walls, and anagrammed white crib with the initials written in purple, a lavender rocker, and white detailing. Oh, and the 'Juliana' sign Grayson made hanging on the wall over her crib. I can't wait to see my baby in there, instead of the NICU.

Just as I closed the book, I heard a quiet knock at the door, and a man in a white lab jacket and a clipboard appeared. I sat up and put the book to the side.

"Good morning, Ms. Mullins." He whispered, as he looked around the room from the doorway.

"Hi... Dr..?"

"Phillips, Dr. Phillips, but you can call me Michael." He smiled and quietly walked over to my bed, sitting at the end. I weakly smiled and let him continue on.

"So Madison, how are you doing sweetheart?"

"I've been better." I said dryly. How do you think i'm doing?

"Well, I'm sorry it's so early, but I wanted to come update you on your baby." I immediately sat up very eager.

"She's doing very well right now. She's adapting to treatment great, and we've seen rapid improvement in the last few hours." I let out a huge, HUGE sigh of relief.

"She still is very premature, so she's not going to be leaving anytime soon, unfortunately. She's going to have to be hospitalized for at least another month." Everything in my body deflated at his words. A month...? A month? I just want my fucking daughter!

"Are you sure she has to stay here, for that long?"

"I'm afraid so. We can't take any risks."

"At least she's doing better..." I sighed pushing some hair behind my ear.

"There is some good news though..." I perked up again.

"You can see her today." I tried not to scream I was so excited. I bit my lower lip and my eyes grew wide.

"Really!??? When!?"

"Whenever you're ready. Press this button, and we'll have a nurse get you set up in a wheelchair and we'll take you and your family down."

"Now. I-I wanna go now." I said border line cutting him off.

"Okay, great. I'll give you a moment, and i'll be back." Smiled as he stood up and patted my knee before he left. As soon as he did, I smacked Grayson over and over again who was slumped over in a chair next to me. His eyes fluttered open slowly.

"Grayson! Grayson wake up!" I yelled but still tried to whisper.

"Wh-what... huh?" He rubbed his eyes and slowly sat up.

"WE'RE GONNA SEE HER GRAYSON. HE'S GETTING ME A WHEELCHAIR AND HE'S GONNA TAKE US DOWN TO SEE HER!!!" He immediately became fully awake and a smile spread across his face. He was trying to find words to say but he couldn't. He didn't do anything for a few seconds, and then passionately kissed me. He whispered 'I love you' into my ear, and I smiled even more.

He went around the room and woke everyone up, and told them the good news. Everyone sprung up, just in time for Dr. Phillips to get back.

"Hello hello hello!" He said enthusiastically as he rolled in a wheelchair.

"Hi!!!" I yelped.

"All set?" I nodded excitedly.

"Grayson babe, can you help me up?" He rushed over, helping me over to the chair, kissing my head as we walked. I plopped down on the padded seat gently, damn I was sore. Grayson held my hand as I was rolled out, Dr. Phillips was pushing me, and the rest of our group walked closely behind. The walk down felt like an eternity because of how anxious I was. My grip on Gray's hand intensified as we approached the doors to the NICU. Dr. Phillips opened the door and Grayson pushed me in.

I was trying my best to control my tears, but it was not working. There were only about ten babies, and I was trying to figure out which was ours. We went over to the very back, and there she was.

My hand covered my mouth and tears started to flow as we parked next to our baby. She was about the length of my forearm, light pink, wearing a fluffy pink hat, and a pink onsie that was obviously far to big on her. There were two large holes on either side of the tank, and she slightly turned her head towards us, as we arrived.

"Oh my god Grayson... That's o-our baby. She's r-right there." Grayson kneeled down, to mine and Juliana's level.

"I know baby, I know." He choked on his last word. I gripped his hand, and he kissed my cheek.

I leaned in towards the opening, and stuck my finger in. I gently rubbed it along her chest, and I started crying even more.

"Hi there baby girl. Mommy and Daddy are finally here, we finally get to meet you." I could barely get the words out.

I moved my finger down to her hand, and I almost broke down when her tiny little fingers wrapped themselves around mine. I looked at Grayson, and he was crying too, but smiling.

"You like mommy's finger huh?" I giggled quietly. I saw the smallest, most unnoticeable smile appear on her little face. But I saw it. Grayson then put his hand in, and softly stroked the side of her head.

"Hi my beautiful, beautiful sweetheart. I'm your daddy..." She let out the littlest noise at his words and we both laughed.

"Yeah! Yeah, that's right. It's daddy... I love you so much my princess. Mommy does too, and so do all of these people around you. See, that's daddy's brother Ethan, your uncle. And that's your Auntie Terra and...-" He continued talking to her, pointing to everyone introducing her to her family. I sat there with the widest smile on my face. He's so amazing.... and so is she.

All I could think was, she's okay. She's okay.

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